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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.



Core Program

AYSO Region 1463's Core program is designed to allow kids ages 4 to 18 years old a chance to play soccer on fair and balanced teams with all players provided a guaranteed amount of playing time in every game. It is also a great chance for parents to volunteer and help support their kids.

  • Players must wear shin guards during practices and games.
  • Cleats are not required but highly recommended.
  • If they would like to bring their own ball please make sure it's the correct size
  • 6U / 8U: Size 3 ball
  • 10U / 12U: Size 4 ball
  • 14U and Up: Size 5 ball

Although it is our desire to include every child who wishes to play soccer, as a practical matter registration is only available on a first come, first served basis. Many factors can contribute to limiting registration within any division, including but not limited to: the number of volunteers and availability of practice fields. Once a division has been filled, a waiting list is created from which players may be placed on a team if another player drops or additional coaches are secured.

In an attempt to balance teams correctly, we cannot accept requests for your child to be with specific coaches, or children to be placed on same teams as other children. Only the coach's own children, and siblings within the same division are guaranteed to be on same team.

6U Program


Alex Goodwin: 6[email protected]


The 6U Co-ed Division is designed to encourage a player to explore, experiment, and participate in their very first team vs. team environment. The children will play short-sided games (3 on a side) on small fields with highly simplified laws. Short-sided games help ensure that children have fun and at the same time, maximize their learning opportunities.

Field Size: 20 yards by 30 yards
Ball Size: 3
Roster Maximum: 6
Players on Field: 5 vs. 5 with a minimum of 3 players/team on the field (no goalkeepers). 
Practice Sessions: Maximum: 30-45 minute session - 1 per week
Game Length: 30 Minutes (15 minute halves / Time must include breaks between quarters and halftime) 

Rules / Notes:

  • 1st game of the day responsible for field setup (please arrive 45 minutes early); last game of the day responsible for tear down at our home fields only
    6U is a time for freedom and EXPLORATION! Let them Play!

The Coin Toss / Kick-off:

  • The Visiting Team is allowed to call heads or tails while the coin is in the air.
  • The team that wins the coin toss decides which goal to attack in the first half OR to take the Kick-off
  • Depending on the above, the team that lost the coin toss takes the Kick-off OR decides which goal to attack in the first half
  • The team that decided which goal to attack in the first half takes the Kick-off in the second half
  • The teams change ends of the field for the second half and attack the opposite goals

  • No Goalkeepers

  • Throw-ins for balls played outside the touchline - No Kick-ins! Throw-ins Only

  • No Corner kicks (use corner throw in)

  • Goal kicks: Ball to be placed 1 yard in front of the goal

  • No slide tackling

  • No free kicks (explain infraction to both teams, restart with drop ball)

  • No heading the ball: Penalty will be a dropped ball for the team who last touched the ball BEFORE it touched the player's head.  

  • In the event that one team is short of the normal number of players, the opposing team is required to reduce the number of players on the field. This is mandatory unless the coaches agree otherwise

Coaching Modifications
Coaches may enter the field of play to coach in a positive manner

Referee Modifications
No Referees. Coaches manage the game from the touchline. 

Practice Modification
Practice at this age should be informal and optional. Make these sessions a fun time for everyone.

8U Program


Lyzz Kirk:  [email protected]


The 8U division is a learning division and is designed to introduce young players to the game of soccer. The children will play short-sided games on small fields with simplified laws. Short-sided games help ensure that children have fun and at the same time, maximize their learning opportunities. 

Field Size: The field size for 8U games is 25-35 yards long, 15-25 yards wide (max).
Goals: Maximum six feet high and six yards wide.
Ball Size: 3
Players on Field: 6 vs. 6 with a minimum of 4 players/team on the field (no goalkeepers).
Eight maximum on roster. 
Practice Session: 60 Minutes Max / Twice a Week (No more than twice a week) 
Game Length: 40 Minutes (20 Minute Halves / Time must include breaks between quarters and halftime)

Rules / Notes: 

  • 1st game of the day responsible for field setup (please arrive 45 minutes early); last game of the day responsible for tear down at our home fields only

  • 8U is a time for DISCOVERY! Let them Play!

  • Prioritize FUN and INSPIRE your players!

  • Player Equipment: Shoes and shinguards, covered by the socks are mandatory at all practice and game activities. Soccer shoes, tennis shoes, or similar type athletic shoes are recommended. The type and condition of cleated shoes must be inspected for safety before use.

  • Start of Play: The game should be started with a kick-off in the middle of the field.

The Coin Toss / Kick-off:

  • The Visiting Team is allowed to call heads or tails while the coin is in the air.
  • The team that wins the coin toss decides which goal to attack in the first half OR to take the Kick-off
  • Depending on the above, the team that lost the coin toss takes the Kick-off OR decides which goal to attack in the first half
  • The team that decided which goal to attack in the first half takes the Kick-off in the second half
  • The teams change ends of the field for the second half and attack the opposite goals
  • Goals will not be recognized from a kick-off.  If the ball crosses the goal line and into the goal directly from a kick-off, the restart shall be a goal kick.

  • Fouls & Misconduct: The coaches will assess indirect free kicks for all fouls with the opponents six yards away from the ball. Free kicks awarded to the attacking team inside the defending team's goal area should be taken from the nearest point on the goal area line in front of the goal.

    There are no penalty kicks.

    Referees will work cooperatively with the coaches and eliminate the need for cautions and send-offs. Do not show yellow or red cards

  • Referee: One AYSO 1463 Referee will officiate the game. For more about 8U Referee laws of the game, visit this site: 

  • Substitutions: Substitutions are between periods, at halftime and for injuries. The players will be separated by girls and boys teams at all levels of play. Playing time is a minimum of two periods per game and no player should play four periods until everyone has played three. Separate girls and boys teams should be promoted at all levels of play.
  • Restarts – kick off, throw in, goal kick, corner kick and indirect free kicks only.

  • If the defending team kicked the ball out past the goal line, it is a corner kick for the offensive team. If the offensive player kicked it out, then the restart is a goal kick for the defending team.

  • Throw-ins – if the child makes an error (ie. Jumps or doesn’t put ball behind the head before throw) have them re-throw. If it happens again, the ball goes to the opposing team for a throw

  • Handballs – DILBERATE handballs - indirect kick awarded to opposing team. If the ball is with in the goal box, place ball to outside the box for the kick.

  • Headers - If a player intentionally/deliberately heads a ball, the result is an Indirect Free Kick for the opposing team.  

  • NO ONE should be behind the goal area. Not parents or coaches.

  • Medical Release Forms must be with Coaches at ALL soccer functions, including but not limited to, practice, games, team parties, etc.

  • All volunteers that will be working with the children need to register as a volunteer and complete the online training program Safe Haven.

  • Opposing teams MUST sit on opposite sides of the field.
  • Build-Out Line: The build-out line promotes playing the ball out of the back in a less pressured setting. For more information on the Build Out line, please view the video at the link below. 

A brief video providing everyone with an overview of the 8U Build-out line.
Please note: The video presentation below is a bit more specific to the 10U Division but a majority of the rules do apply. 

8U Differences: 
* Offside and Offside infractions do not exist in the 8U Division. Anything regarding Offside in the video, please disregard. 
* There are no Goalkeepers in 8U. Any information regarding the Goalkeeper in the video, please disregard.  

  • The build-out line shall be placed across the field equidistant between the top of the Goal area and the halfway line.

  • The opposing team must move back behind the build-out line for a goal kick. See above video link (Build Out Line Overview) for clarification of build out line rules.

  • The player taking the goal kick does not have to wait for the opposing players to move behind the build-out line. After the ball is put into play, the opposing team can cross the build-out line and play may resume as normal. The first touch is from the goal kick.

Field Markings: Distinctive yellow lines. 

Hit this image to watch a short video regarding the Build-out Line (BOL)

10U Program


Kellen Coll: [email protected]

In the 10U division, players start to develop basic techniques and begin to play as a team.

Field Size: 
The field size for 10U games is 55-65 yards long, 35-45 yards wide.
Goals: Maximum 6.5 feet high and 18.5 feet wide.
Ball Size: 4 
Players on Field: 7 vs. 7 with a minimum of 5 players/team on the field (one of which is the Goalkeeper)
Ten maximum on roster.
Practice Session: 60 Minutes Max / No more than twice a week
Game Length: 50 Minutes (25 Minute Halves / Time must include breaks between quarters and halftime)

Rules / Notes: 

  • 1st game of the day responsible for field setup (please arrive 45 minutes early); last game of the day responsible for tear down at our hole field only. 

  • 9-12 years is the golden age for learning and the perfect age to increase focus on specific techniques and skills. It is the time for ADVENTURE!

  • Player Equipment: Shoes and shin guards, covered by the socks are mandatory at all practice and game activities. Soccer shoes, tennis shoes, or similar type athletic shoes are recommended. The type and condition of cleated shoes must be inspected for safety before use.
  • Referee: AYSO certified Regional Referees or higher are required for 10U and older games. The referee should briefly explain any infringements to the player(s) and encourage proper play and sporting behavior. As with all games, every effort should be made to keep the game moving and free from stoppages for doubtful infractions. Let them play and enjoy.
  • Assistant Referees/Club Linesmen: If available, qualified assistant referees who have completed Assistant Referee Certification may be used to assist the referee. This is an opportunity for new assistant referees to begin getting experience. If qualified assistant referees are not available, Club Linesmen (untrained volunteers who may be affiliated with one of the teams/clubs) may be recruited from the spectators to assist the referee with calling the ball in and out of play only. This is an opportunity for parents to get involved.
  • The Start of Play: The game should be started with a kick-off in the middle of the field.

The Coin Toss / Kick-off:

  • The Visiting Team is allowed to call heads or tails while the coin is in the air.
  • The team that wins the coin toss decides which goal to attack in the first half OR to take the Kick-off
  • Depending on the above, the team that lost the coin toss takes the Kick-off OR decides which goal to attack in the first half
  • The team that decided which goal to attack in the first half takes the Kick-off in the second half
  • The teams change ends of the field for the second half and attack the opposite goals
  • Ball In and Out of Play: The ball is out of play in all age group games when it completely crosses the touch line (side line) or goal line (end line), either on the ground or in the air.

  • Method of Scoring: A goal, in all age groups, is awarded when the ball completely crosses the goal line into the goal.

  • Fouls: For 10U and older games, all fouls identified in Law 12 apply. Refer to the Laws of the Game for more information. 

  • Misconduct: Misconduct should still be relatively rare in 10U games. Coaches at all levels of play have the option of calling players to the touchline to receive words of 'positive instruction' concerning player's behavior. 

  • Free Kicks: Free kicks, in 10U and older games, may be either direct (may score directly), or indirect (must be touched or played by another player before a goal can be scored). Opponents must be at least eight yards from the ball or on the goal line between the goal posts during free kicks.

  • Penalty Kicks: Penalty kicks may be awarded in 10U and older games. A penalty kick results from a player committing one of the ten direct free kick fouls inside his/her own penalty area. The penalty kick is taken from the penalty mark with all other players outside the penalty area except the opposing teams goalkeeper.

  • Throw-In: Second chances are not given for improper throw-ins for U10 and older players. An improper throw-in results in a throw-in for the opposing team. 

  • Goal Kick: A goal kick is awarded to the opposing team, in 10U and older, when the attacking team is last to touch the ball before it crosses the goal line but without scoring a goal. The goal kick may be taken from any point inside the goal area. The goal kick is retaken if the ball is touched or played by either team before leaving the penalty area.

  • Goalkeepers: No player should play more than 3 quarters in the goal. If they play 3 quarters in the goal you must maximize their time on the field (ie. They don’t sit out the last quarter then). Keeper jerseys will be available at the check-in station on the first day.

  • Goalkeeper Punts: For 9U to 10U, the goalkeeper shall not punt the ball. An indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposing team at the spot of the offense if a goalkeeper deliberately punts the ball during a match. An indirect free kick awarded to the attacking team inside the opposing team's goal area must be taken on the goal area line at the point nearest to where the goalkeeper punted the ball.

  • Corner Kick: A corner kick is awarded to the opposing team when the defending team is last to touch the ball before it crosses the goal line but not scoring a goal. The opposing team must be at least eight yards from the ball when the corner kick is taken in 10U games.
  • Offside: The offside law applies in 10U and older games.

  • Handling the Ball: A handling infraction occurs when a player handles the ball deliberately. The 'hand' includes the entire arm up to the top of the shoulder. Accidental contact (ball striking hand or arm with no intent by the player) is not an offense and should not be penalized.
  • Headers - If a player intentionally/deliberately heads a ball, the result is an Indirect Free Kick for the opposing team. If not intentional, game continues on. 

  • Substitutions: Between periods, at halftime and for injuries.

  • Playing Time: Minimum of two periods per game and no player should play four periods until everyone has played three.
  • Build-Out Line: The build-out line promotes playing the ball out of the back in a less pressured setting. For more information on the Build Out line, please view the video at the link below. 

A brief vide providing everyone with an overview of the 10U Build-out line. 

Hit this image to watch a short video regarding the Build-out Line (BOL)

  • The build-out line shall be placed across the field equidistant between the top of the penalty area and the halfway line.

  • The opposing team must move back behind the build-out line for a goal kick or when the goalkeeper has possession. At any time, the goalkeeper may pass, throw or roll the ball to a teammate who is behind or in front of the build-out line. See above video link (Build Out Line Overview) for clarification of build out line rules.

  • The goalkeeper or the player taking the goal kick does not have to wait for the opposing players to move behind the build-out line. The play from the goalkeeper or from the goal kick must be played to a teammate behind the build-out line. After the ball is put into play, the opposing team can cross the build-out line and play may resume as normal. The first touch is from the goal kick or the pass from the goalkeeper.

  • The build-out line shall be used as the line to determine offside. Players cannot be penalized for an offside offense between the halfway line and the build-out line

Field Markings: Distinctive lines recommended.

  • Halfway line the width of the field, marked equidistant between the goal lines.
  • Center circle with an eight-yard radius in the center of the field.
  • Corner arcs with a one-yard radius at each corner of the field.
  • Goal area in front of each goal measuring 4 x 8 yards.
  • Penalty area in front of each goal measuring 12 x 24 yards.
  • Penalty mark ten yards from the goal line.
  • Penalty arc extending in a eight-yard radius from the penalty mark.
  • Build-out line runs across the field equidistant between the top of the penalty area and halfway line.

12U Program


Ernie Noble[email protected]

In the 12U division, players begin to bring their basic techniques and skills to the next level of play. The level of play in this division is more competitive than in the younger divisions, but is still in line with the AYSO philosophy of everyone plays and has fun.

Field Size: 
The Field Size for 12U games is 70-80 yards long and 44-55 yards wide.
Goals: Goal Size is 6.5 feet high x 18.5 feet wide. (Max size - 7 feet high x 21 feet wide).
Ball Size: 4
Players on Field: 9 vs. 9 with a minimum of 6 players/team on the field (one of which is the Goalkeeper)
12 maximum on roster.
Practice Session: 60 Minutes no more than twice a week
Game Length: 60 Minutes (30 Minute Halves / Time must include breaks between quarters and halftime)

  • 1st game of the day responsible for field setup (please arrive 45 minutes early); last game of the day responsible for tear down at our home fields only.

  • Players have increased understanding of strategy and tactics so small-sided matches can help develop basic attacking and defensive principles. 

  • 12U is the time for polishing the player's technical skills.

The Coin Toss / Kick-off:

  • The Visiting Team is allowed to call heads or tails while the coin is in the air.
  • The team that wins the coin toss decides which goal to attack in the first half OR to take the Kick-off
  • Depending on the above, the team that lost the coin toss takes the Kick-off OR decides which goal to attack in the first half
  • The team that decided which goal to attack in the first half takes the Kick-off in the second half
  • The teams change ends of the field for the second half and attack the opposite goals
  • Throw-ins: if the child makes an error the ball goes to the opposing team for a throw.

  • Handling: DELIBERATE handballs - direct kick awarded to opposing team

  • Headers - If a player intentionally/deliberately heads a ball, the result is an Indirect Free Kick for the opposing team. If not intentional game continues on. 

  • Positions should be taught and enforced. At a minimum, players should know what a defender, midfield, striker and goalkeeper’s jobs are. Rotate players into different positions (not all in the same game) to give them a taste of the game

  • Goalkeepers: No player should play more than 3 quarters in the goal. If they play 3 quarters in the goal you must maximize their time on the field (ie. They don’t sit out the last quarter then). Keeper jerseys will be available at the check-in station on the first day.

  • Substitutions: Between periods, at halftime and for injuries.

  • Playing Time: Minimum of two periods per game and no player should play four periods until everyone has played three

  • Teams: Separate girls and boys teams should be promoted at all levels of play.

  • NO ONE should be behind the goal area. Not parents or coaches

  • Medical Release Forms must be with you at ALL soccer functions, including but not limited to, practice, games, team parties, etc.

  • All volunteers that will be working with the children need to register as a volunteer and complete the online training program Safe Haven.

  • Injuries: Incident reports are available on our website or at the snackbar. Please report all injuries to the Board promptly.

  • Do not run up the score; no one should win by more than 5 goals.

  • Opposing teams MUST sit on opposite sides of the field. The home team (the one listed first on the schedule) picks the side they want to sit on; the visiting team therefore takes the opposite side.

Field Markings:
The Center Circle Radius is 8 yards, the Goal Area is 5 yards x 16 yards, Penalty Area is 14 yards x 36 yards, and Goal Line to Penalty is 10 yards.

14U Program


Open Position | Contact Josh Schwarz if interested  [email protected]

In the 14U division players advance in speed and overall athletic ability, and their understanding of the game deepens. Rivalries begin to form and the players tend to keep close track of the standings.

Field Size:  The minimum field size for is 100 x 50 yards. 
Goals: Official size goals (8 feet high and 8 yards wide) are used in 14U games. 
Ball Size: 5
Players on Field: 11 players per team on the field (11v11) – one of whom is the goalkeeper.
Minimum of 7 players/team on field. Maximum of 15 on the roster.
Practice Session: 90 Minutes / No more than 3 hours per week
Game Length: 70 Minutes (35 Minute Halves / Time must include breaks between quarters and halftime)

Rules / Notes: 

* Player Equipment: 
The basic compulsory equipment of a player includes: a jersey or shirt, shorts, stockings, footwear and shin guards. Shoes and shin guards are mandatory at all practices and games. The shin guards need to provide a reasonable degree of protection and be covered entirely by the stockings. 

The Coin Toss / Kick-off:

  • The Visiting Team is allowed to call heads or tails while the coin is in the air.
  • The team that wins the coin toss decides which goal to attack in the first half OR to take the Kick-off
  • Depending on the above, the team that lost the coin toss takes the Kick-off OR decides which goal to attack in the first half
  • The team that decided which goal to attack in the first half takes the Kick-off in the second half
  • The teams change ends of the field for the second half and attack the opposite goals

*Fouls & Misconduct: 
Opponents must be ten yards from the ball on restart kicks. Coaches should work cooperatively with players to eliminate the need for cautions and send-offs. Referees will issue cautions and send-offs if such action, in the opinion of the referee, is warranted. The referee will complete a misconduct report should a yellow or red card be issued. Players receiving a send-off will not be allowed to participate in their next scheduled match. It is the coach’s responsibility to notify the referee of the next match of this requirement. 

AYSO 1463 reserves the right to impose additional sanctions against a player, coach, or spectator that is involved in any send-off or referee abuse.  
* Send-off disqualify players from participating in any and all end-of-season tournaments or events. 

* Referee: 
AYSO certified Intermediate Referees or higher are recommended for 14U games. Regional Referees can participate with RRA and RC approval. 

* Assistant Referees/Club Linesmen: If available, qualified, neutral assistant referees who have completed Regional Referee Certification (or higher) may be used to assist the referee. This is an opportunity for new intermediate referees or seasoned regional referees to gain experience. If qualified assistant referees are not available, Club Linesmen (someone who is affiliated with one of the teams/clubs) may be recruited from the spectators to assist the referee with calling the ball in and out of play only. This is an opportunity for parents to get involved. 

* General Play Requirements: 
There are no field position play requirements for goalkeeper. A player may play the position of goalkeeper the entire match. 

* Injury Substitutions: 
If a player is injured during the course of a game and is forced to leave the field, there are two options: 

• The coach may substitute for the injured player for the quarter. However the injured player may not return to the game for the remainder of the quarter in which they left the field or 
• The coach can elect to play short a player for that quarter and when the injured player can continue he may substitute back into the game at a break in play with the referee's permission. 

Playing time credit in injury cases: The player who starts the quarter will get credit for the whole quarter regardless of how much time they play. This means time played by the substitute cannot be applied toward the three quarters they are required to play. 

* Substituted Players: 
Substitutions occur only during quarter breaks. No free substitutions in the 14U division.

16U/19U Programs


NOTE: Information for the 16U/19U Coed Division can be found in the next module


Open Position | Contact Josh Schwarz if interested  [email protected]

In the 16U / 19U divisions, players advance in speed and overall athletic ability, and their understanding of the game deepens. Rivalries begin to form and the players tend to keep close track of the standings.

Field Size:  The minimum field size for is 100 x 50 yards. 
Goals: Official size goals (8 feet high and 8 yards wide)  
Ball Size: 5

Players on Field: 11 players per team on the field (11v11) – one of whom is the goalkeeper.
Minimum of 7 players/team on field. Maximum of 18 on the roster.
Practice Session: 90 Minutes / No more than 3 hours per week
Game Time: 90 Minute Game / 45 minute halves (Time must include break during halftime) 

Rules / Notes: 

* Player Equipment: 
The basic compulsory equipment of a player includes: a jersey or shirt, shorts, stockings, footwear and shin guards. Shoes and shin guards are mandatory at all practices and games. The shin guards need to provide a reasonable degree of protection and be covered entirely by the stockings. 

The Coin Toss / Kick-off:

  • The Visiting Team is allowed to call heads or tails while the coin is in the air.
  • The team that wins the coin toss decides which goal to attack in the first half OR to take the Kick-off
  • Depending on the above, the team that lost the coin toss takes the Kick-off OR decides which goal to attack in the first half
  • The team that decided which goal to attack in the first half takes the Kick-off in the second half
  • The teams change ends of the field for the second half and attack the opposite goals

*Fouls & Misconduct: 
Opponents must be ten yards from the ball on restart kicks. Coaches should work cooperatively with players to eliminate the need for cautions and send-offs. Referees will issue cautions and send-offs if such action, in the opinion of the referee, is warranted. The referee will complete a misconduct report should a yellow or red card be issued. Players receiving a send-off will not be allowed to participate in their next scheduled match. It is the coach’s responsibility to notify the referee of the next match of this requirement. 

AYSO 1463 reserves the right to impose additional sanctions against a player, coach, or spectator that is involved in any send-off or referee abuse.  
* Send-off disqualify players from participating in any and all end-of-season tournaments or events. 

* Referee: 

Advanced Referees Candidates and above are required for 16U games.
Advanced Referees are required for 19U games. 

* Assistant Referees/Club Linesmen: 
If available, qualified, neutral assistant referees who have completed Regional Referee Certification (or higher) may be used to assist the referee. This is an opportunity for new intermediate referees or seasoned regional referees to gain experience. If qualified assistant referees are not available, Club Linesmen (someone who is affiliated with one of the teams/clubs) may be recruited from the spectators to assist the referee with calling the ball in and out of play only. This is an opportunity for parents to get involved. 

* General Play Requirements: 
There are no field position play requirements for goalkeeper. A player may play the position of goalkeeper the entire match. 

* Injury Substitutions: 
If a player is injured during the course of a game and is forced to leave the field, there are two options: 

• The coach may substitute for the injured player for the quarter. However the injured player may not return to the game for the remainder of the quarter in which they left the field or 
• The coach can elect to play short a player for that quarter and when the injured player can continue he may substitute back into the game at a break in play with the referee's permission. 

Playing time credit in injury cases: The player who starts the quarter will get credit for the whole quarter regardless of how much time they play. This means time played by the substitute cannot be applied toward the three quarters they are required to play. 

* Substituted Players (16U/19U): 
Free substitutions are allowed in 16U and 19U Divisions. 

16U/19U Coed Division


Open Position | Contact Josh Schwarz if interested  [email protected]

NOTE: All of the information in the 16U/19U Program details apply with the exception of the following differences: 

Players on Field: 9 players per team on the field (9v9) – one of whom is the goalkeeper.
Minimum of 7 players/team on field. Maximum of 15 on the roster.

Practice Session: 90 Minutes / No more than once per week

Game Length: 80 Minute Game / 40 minute halves (Time must include break during halftime) 


If you have any questions regarding the Core program  feel free to contact AYSO 1463's Coach Administrator
Josh Schwarz
[email protected]

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AYSO Region 1463 - Temecula / Murrieta

Murrieta, California 92563

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Phone : 951-290-2721
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