Volunteering as an AYSO Referee is an enjoyable and rewarding way to help our region. As an AYSO Referee, you assure that every game is safe, fun, and fair for players and spectators alike.
Our Region offers several opportunities for children and youths to play soccer in both the Spring and Fall Seasons. This means a greater demand for referees. While we on the Referee Staff encourage everyone to attend training and join us “on the pitch,” this alone does not ensure enough referees.
During the season, the Home Team must provide a Referee for an 8U game. Referees must be registered AYSO volunteers, have completed all three Safe Haven certifications, be certified as AYSO referees, and be in uniform. The minimum referee age, certification level, and uniform are as follows:
Division Age Certification Uniform:

Coaches themselves are not 100% required to Referee. However, Coaches for each team are responsible for supplying a Referee volunteer. So technically, it could be the Coach, the Asst. Coach, or another Parent.
Referees will work cooperatively with coaches. Referees shall emphasize safety, fairness, fun, and learning.
The overall purpose of the referee is to keep the game safe, fair, and fun.
It is better to ignore minor infractions than to destroy the flow of the game. Players of this age rarely commit deliberate infractions; however, they may be more likely to engage in dangerous or reckless play as they may not appreciate the impact of their action. While direct free kicks will be substituted with indirect free kick foul still apply, referees are encouraged to take opportunities to instruct the players, remembering that 8U players are just learning the game and rarely understand its laws.
Referee decisions are final. This includes decisions regarding safety of the players.