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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.


Gem of the Valley Cup!

Gem of the Valley Cup Schedule

Gem of the Valley Cup!


To view the game schedule please hit the link directly below or hit the banner above. 


Gem of the Valley Cup - 8U/10U/12U/14U Divisions


The Gem of the Valley Cup is our region’s end-of-the-season event.


8U Division
The 8U Division will take part in the Cup festivities! While the 8U Division will not be a part of a tournament, they will play one last fun game! Everyone will receive Fall 2024 medals and a special treat from AYSO 1463!
We'll make it a lot of fun for 8U teams! 

10U-12U-14U Division Champions
The winners of this tournament will be declared the Tournament Champion for their division and earns their 
Gem of the Valley Cup First place medal.

CHAMPIONS! You will now represent AYSO 1463 at the Area 1R Playoffs in November 23, 2024 in Jurupa, Ca.
(More Details on this event to come soon!)


To Qualify for the Cup you must complete all required Volunteer Points Per Division

Gem of the Valley Event

▪  Cup participation will be based on completing required number of Volunteer Points.  Once admitted into the tournament via reaching their Volunteer Points requirement, a team’s bracket placement is based on their win/loss record.

▪  If a team does not meet their volunteer points requirement…the team is not entered into the tournament.

Gem of the Valley Cup Seating Guide

Seating arrangements for both days are the same as always for 8U. However, it's slightly different for 10U and 12U (14U teams already follow these guidelines).

Please note that spectators for all divisions will be asked to sit on the opposite side of the Assistant Referees. Spectators will not be allowed to sit on the same side of the field as the ARs.  

Championship Games will have an opening ceremony - Introduction of teams to all fans before the game.

General Guidelines

Gem of the Valley Guidelines
Hit this link to view event Guidelines

Tournament Schedule Placement Tie Breaker

  • First: Win/Loss record determines seeding
  • Second: Total number of volunteer points earned
  • Third: Head-to-head play (outcome of games involving tied teams)
  • Fourth: Fewest goals against
  • Fifth: Coin Flip


  • All Teams must provide Field Lining, Tent Duty and Referee coverage to be able to participate. Please use sheets to sign up and list team number.

  • No coin toss. The Home team will pick whether they want the ball first or if they want to pick the side they defend first.

  • Important Seating Update - Parents/Family must sit to the left of the Asst. Referee in 10U - 14U Divisions.

  • Parents/Family must be at least 6 feet away from the sideline to ensure there is enough room for players and referees. Umbrellas and canopies must be pushed back and away from the sideline.

  • Coaches must control their sideline including their players, family of players and themselves.
    Inappropriate conduct/behavior towards a referee, assistant referee, player and or opposing sideline spectators will result in 1 caution to the head coach. If conduct/inappropriate behavior continues a red card (send-off will be given to the head coach). If there is no assistant coach the team will forfeit the game and the opposing team granted the win. If there is an assistant coach and inappropriate behavior/conduct continues from the sideline the game will be stopped and the opposing team granted the victory.

  • Please Remember this is an AYSO – Kids Zone Area!


  • Championship Game will have an opening ceremony. Introduction of teams to all fans before the game.

  • Coin Toss will be used to decide possession at the start of the game. The Home Team will call the coin flip.

Medals for Players/Coaches

  • 8U Teams will receive their AYSO 1463 Fall Medals on Saturday 
  • 10U-14U Teams who do not reach the Championship match, will receive their AYSO 1463 Fall Medals
  • The GotV Cup First Place Teams will receive Gem of the Valley Cup Gold Medals for each player. 
  • The GotV Cup Runner-Up Teams will receive Gem of the Valley Cup Silver Medals 
    (10U/12U ONLY will receive silver runner-up medals. 14U Runner-Up will receive Fall 2024 medals)

Additional FAQs


(1) What responsibilities do teams have on Gem of the Valley Cup weekend?

  • All teams will need to provide volunteer support and help at Board Tent, Referee Tent, Friday Field Lining Activities if playing on Saturday before or after your game.
  • All teams must provide Referee Support before and or after your game.
  • All teams must take pictures of the Gem of the Valley Cup games and submit to us. (4 action Shots)
  • All teams must notify families of our region rules - positive sidelines, no commenting/remarking to referees, no dogs/animals allowed - AYSO Kid Zone Rules at all times.
  • Coaches must remember to role model positive coaching, good sportsmanship, courtesy towards referees and control sidelines(parents/families). Disrespect, animosity and bad sportsmanship is not allowed. We want our Gem of the Valley Cup weekend to be as fun and enjoyable for everyone including the players, coaches, families and the referees.
  • Win or lose, the players are going to remember the wonderful experience/memories they had on your team because you volunteered your time for them to play soccer. Let's just have fun!

(2) Dates of the Gem of the Valley Cup?

  • Saturday 11/16/24 will be the Preliminary Round of the Cup for 10U-14UG divisions. It will be single elimination round(s). For the 8U Division, it will be a single game. More information below in the 8U Division section.  
  • Sunday 11/17/24 will be the Championship Round. The 2 teams per division, per gender that make it past the preliminary round(s) will play on Sunday for the Championship. Note: 10U Boys Semi-finals matches will occur on Sunday. 

(3) What are the times of each game?

  • A link to the Fall 2024 Gem of the Valley event has been provided above. You can also view the schedule here.

(4) How many games are played in the Preliminary Round?

  • This actually depends on the number of teams that qualified for the Gem of the Valley Cup. If your division has 8 teams in it that qualified...then you could potentially play 2 games on Saturday. If you win both games - you move onto the Championship Round on Sunday.
  • If there are only 6 teams - the 3rd - 6th place teams would play a game against each other. The winner of those games would then play a 2nd game against the 1st or 2nd place team on Saturday. The winner of that 2nd game would move onto the Championship Round on Sunday.
  • If there are only 4 teams in your division - you would play 1 game on Saturday and if you win, you would move on to the Championship Round on Sunday.

(5) Who will play who in the Preliminary Round?

  • Placement of Teams in the preliminary round will be based on regular season standings.

(6) When will the schedule be released for the Gem of the Valley Cup?

  • A link to the Fall 2024 Gem of the Valley event has been provided above. You can also view the schedule here.

(7) Do all teams receive medals to pass out to their players?

  • Yes...all teams will get medals to pass out to players once you play your final game. If you do not make it past the preliminary rounds, we will provide you with "Fall Season" medals to hand out on Saturday.
  • The Runner-up team will receive a 2nd place silver "Gem of the Valley Cup" medal on Sunday (10U/12U Only). Runner-up 14U teams will receive the "Fall Season" medal
  • Champions per division will receive a gold "Gem of the Valley" medal.

(8) When will players receive their medals? 

  • This is up to you as a coach. Most coaches will hand out the medals at a pizza party scheduled later in the week. Remember your team has to provide referee support and tent duty support before or after your game. 
  • You can schedule pizza parties at most of the local pizza places.  They usually will do 2 Large 1 - topping pizzas and sodas for the players as long as the parents pay for their own food. Shakey's, Pizza Factory and Jersey's Pizza are just a few local examples (Reservations are required).
  • They will ask you to make sure players wear their AYSO Jersey uniforms to qualify for the team party special. Just say you are with AYSO Soccer and they will set it up with you if available. They usually only offer that from Monday - Thursday. I would pick a day you normally practice to make sure all kids can go.
  • (10U/12U) If you end up going to the Championship round, your team will receive either the Runner-up silver medals or the 1st place Gold medals.
  • (14U) If you end up going to the Championship round and win, your team will receive the 1st place Gold medals. If your team is a runner-up, this team will receive the Fall 2024 medals.
  • We will actually present these medals to each one of your players at the end of your game. A small medal ceremony where families can take pictures and celebrate participating in the Championship Round.

(9) Will we have food vendors on Gem of the Valley Cup Saturday?

  • Yes! We'll have vendors on hand for Saturday. 

Division Guidelines Readiness Videos

A video has been created for each of our Division's Gem of the Valley Cup guidelines by our very own Carlos Torres. Please be sure to review and familiarize yourself with the tournament as there are special rules for each division. 

Gem of the Valley Cup Readiness - 8U Division 
8U Division Readiness Video

Gem of the Valley Cup Readiness - 10U Division
10U Division Readiness Video

Gem of the Valley Cup Readiness - 12U Division
12U Division Readiness Video

Gem of the Valley Cup Readiness - 14U Division
14U Division Readiness Video

8U Tournament Guidelines


  • 8U Event for all teams participating will be only one game vs another opponent.

  • Winner of each game will earn a special prize to be handed out at the end of the game.

  • Duration of game will be 20 min halves for each game. (9 mins per qtr., 1 min water break between qtrs., 3 min half time max) 40 Minute Game Time. 

  • Substitutions can only be made at quarters and half time. (Unless there is an injury)

  • Reminder: A goal may not be scored on kickoff or a goal kick. If this occurs the restart will be a goal kick to the defending team.

  • 1 Referee will be used for all games.

  • No coin toss. The Home team will pick whether they want the ball first or if they want to pick the side they defend first.

  • Goals must be tracked on game card by whomever scores a goal.

  • In the event of a tie, teams will play a “sudden victory” period. The 1st team to score a goal will be the winner. The home team will have possession of the ball 1st and kickoff. Players remain on the side they are currently on. 

  • There is no minimum playing requirement for the “sudden victory” period.

  • Both Team Game Cards must be submitted to the tent after the game.

Note: All Teams must provide Field Lining, Tent Duty and Referee coverage to be able to participate. Please use sheets to sign up and list team number.

Medals for Players/Coaches
All teams will receive AYSO 1463 Fall 2024 Season Medals on Saturday

10U Tournament Guidelines


Playoff Saturday:

  • Playoffs are single elimination games. Winning team proceeds to the next round.

  • Important Note: Duration of game will be 20 min halves (10 mins per qtr., 1 min water break between qtrs.., 3 min half time max) 40 Minute Game Time. 

  • Substitutions can only be made at quarters and half time. (Unless there is an injury)

  • Goalkeeper is only allowed to play in the same keeper position for 2 quarters.

  • There is no goal limit. (Please no blow outs- always remember good sportsmanship)

  • No coin toss. The Home team will pick whether they want the ball first or if they want to pick the side they defend first.

  • In the event of a tie, teams will proceed with Penalty Shoot-Out. (Penalty Kicks – 5 players from each team designated by the Coach) Only players on field can be chosen for penalty kicks.

  • If after the First Round of 5 players have completed their penalty kicks and the game is still tied each coach will pick another player until the tie is broken. Player 6 vs Player 6, player 7 vs player 7 and so on until the tie is broken. If every player has attempted a penalty kick and the game is still tied, you would have players on the field kick again until tie is broken but it does not have to be in the same order.

  • Both Team Game Cards must be submitted to the tent after the game.

Championship Games Sunday 

  • Game will have an opening ceremony. Introduction of teams to all fans before the game.

  • Full Duration Game: Duration of game will be 25 min halves (12 mins per qtr., 1 min water break between qtrs., 3 min half time max) 50 Minute Game Time. 

  • Coin Toss will be used to decide possession at the start of the game. The Home Team will call the coin flip.

  • Goalkeeper is only allowed to play in the same goalie position for 2 quarters.

  • In the event of a tie, teams will play 2 – OT Period of 8 mins. Home Team will start with possession. In OT Periods, players can play any position including goalie as long as all other players have played at least 75% of the original game. You are allowed to play your best goalie in the goalie position again. There are no minimum playing requirements for OT periods.

  • If the game is still tied after the 2 OT Periods, teams will proceed with Penalty Shoot-Out. (Penalty Kicks – 5 players from each team designated by the Coach) Only players on field can be chosen for penalty kicks.

  • If after the First Round of 5 players have completed their Penalty Kicks and the game is still tied each coach will pick another player until the tie is broken. Player 6 vs Player 6, player 7 vs player 7 and so on until the tie is broken. If every player has attempted a penalty kick and the game is still tied, you would have players on the field kick again until tie is broken but it does not have to be in the same order.

 Note: Must provide referee coverage and tent duty coverage to be able to participate. Please use sheets to sign up and list team number.

Medals for Players/Coaches
First Place Team will receive Gem of the Valley Cup Gold Medals  
Second Place Teams will receive Gem of the Valley Cup Silver Medals
All other teams will receive AYSO 1463 Fall 2024 Season Medals

12U Guidelines


Playoff Saturday:

  • Playoffs are single elimination games. Winning team proceeds to the next round.

  • Important Note: Game will be 25 min halves (12 mins per qtr., 1 min water break between qtrs., 3 min half time max) 50 Minute Game Time. 

  • Substitutions can only be made at quarters and half time. (Unless there is an injury)

  • Goalkeeper is only allowed to play in the same keeper position for 3 quarters. If a player plays 3 Quarters as GK, they are REQUIRED to play a 4th Quarter on the field. PLEASE REMEMBER that all players MUST play 75% of the game before any player is allowed to play all four quarters. Keep this in mind. 

  • There is no goal limit. (Please no blow outs- always remember good sportsmanship)

  • No coin toss. The Home team will pick whether they want the ball first or if they want to pick the side they defend first.

  • In the event of a tie, teams will proceed with Penalty Shoot-Out. (Penalty Kicks – 5 players from each team designated by the Coach) Only players on field can be chosen for penalty kicks.

  • If after the First Round of 5 players have completed their penalty kicks and the game is still tied each coach will pick another player until the tie is broken. Player 6 vs Player 6, player 7 vs player 7 and so on until the tie is broken. If every player has attempted a penalty kick and the game is still tied, you would have players on the field kick again until tie is broken but it does not have to be in the same order.

  • Both Team Game Cards must be submitted to the tent after the game.

Championship Game - Sunday:

  • Game will have an opening ceremony. Introduction of teams to all fans before the game.

  • (Full Duration) Duration of game will be 30 min halves (14 mins per qtr., 1 min water break between qtrs., 3 min half time max) 60 Minute Game Time. 

  • Coin Toss will be used to decide possession at the start of the game. The Home Team will call the coin flip.

  •  Goalkeeper is only allowed to play in the same keeper position for 3 quarters. If a player plays 3 Quarters as GK, they are REQUIRED to play a 4th Quarter on the field. PLEASE REMEMBER that all players MUST play 75% of the game before any player is allowed to play all four quarters. Keep this in mind. 

  • In the event of a tie, teams will play 2 – OT Period of 8 mins. Home Team will start with possession. In OT Periods, players can play any position including goalie as long as all other players have played at least 75% of the original game. You are allowed to play your best goalie in the goalie position again. There are no minimum playing requirements for OT periods.

  • If the game is still tied after the 2 OT Periods, teams will proceed with Penalty Shoot-Out. (Penalty Kicks – 5 players from each team designated by the Coach) Only players on field can be chosen for penalty kicks.

  • If after the First Round of 5 players have completed their penalty kicks and the game is still tied each coach will pick another player until the tie is broken. Player 6 vs Player 6, player 7 vs player 7 and so on until the tie is broken. If every player has attempted a penalty kick and the game is still tied, you would have players on the field kick again until tie is broken but it does not have to be in the same order.

Note: Must provide referee coverage and tent duty coverage to be able to participate. Please use sheets to sign up and list team number.

Medals for Players/Coaches
First Place Team will receive Gem of the Valley Cup Gold Medals  
Second Place Teams will receive Gem of the Valley Cup Silver Medals
All other teams will receive AYSO 1463 Fall 2024 Season Medals

14U Guidelines


Playoff Saturday:

  • Playoffs are single elimination games. Winning team proceeds to the next round.

  • Important Note: Game will be 30 min halves (14 mins per qtr., 1 min water break between qtrs., 3 min half time max) 60 Minute Game Time. 

  • Substitutions can only be made at quarters and half time. (Unless there is an injury)

  • Goalkeeper is allowed to play in the same keeper position for all 4 Qtrs. 

  • There is no goal limit. (Please no blow outs- always remember good sportsmanship)

  • No coin toss. The Home team will pick whether they want the ball first or if they want to pick the side they defend first.

  • In the event of a tie, teams will proceed with Penalty Shoot-Out. (Penalty Kicks – 5 players from each team designated by the Coach) Only players on field can be chosen for penalty kicks.

  • If after the First Round of 5 players have completed their penalty kicks and the game is still tied each coach will pick another player until the tie is broken. Player 6 vs Player 6, player 7 vs player 7 and so on until the tie is broken. If every player has attempted a penalty kick and the game is still tied, you would have players on the field kick again until tie is broken but it does not have to be in the same order.

  • Both Team Game Cards must be submitted to the tent after the game

Championship Game (14UB Saturday/14UG Sunday)

  • Game will have an opening ceremony. Introduction of teams to all fans before the game.
  • Duration of game will be 35 min halves | 70 Minute Game Time (Full Duration)
  • Coin Toss will be used to decide possession at the start of the game. The Home Team will call the coin flip.
  • Goalkeeper is allowed to play in same keeper position for all 4 Quarters
  • In the event of a tie, teams will play 2 – OT Period of 8 mins. Home Team will start with possession. In OT Periods, players can play any position including keeper as long as all other players have played at least 75% of original game. You are allowed to play your best keeper in keeper position again. There are no minimum playing requirements for OT periods.
  • If game is still tied after the 2 OT Periods, teams will proceed with Penalty Shootouts. (Penalty Kicks – 5 players from each team designated by the Coach) Only players on field can be chosen for penalty kicks.
  • Note: If after the First Round of 5 players have done their Penalty Kicks and the game is still tied, each coach will pick another player until the tie is broken. Player 6 vs Player 6, player 7 vs player 7 and so on until the tie is broken. If every player has attempted a penalty kick and the game is still tied, you would have players on the field kick again until tie is broken but it does not have to be in the same order.
  • Both Team Game Cards must be submitted to the tent after the game.

Note: Must provide referee coverage and tent duty coverage to be able to participate. Please use sheets to sign up and list team number.

Medals for Players/Coaches
First Place Team will receive Gem of the Valley Cup Gold Medals
All other teams will receive AYSO 1463 Fall 2024 Season Medals

Referee Decisions, Conduct & More

All referee decisions are final. Dissent will not be tolerated. Coaches and Players are warned in advance by this message of the need for respectful treatment of the referees. Any issues with the referees are to be kept quiet at the field, and these are to be brought after the game to the Referee Station for a written complaint, which will be acted upon as needed. Also to be acted upon with swift measure is any mistreatment of the referees, by anyone, at any time.

Severe measures will be taken, up to and including termination of the team from the tournament.

Participating referees will be instructed to exercise control of the game, maintain safety and good sportsmanship from the players, coaches and spectators. Trifling matters may not be called if it is fair and good sportsmanship is prevalent.

Referees are strongly encouraged to find other ways to handle behavior problems in divisions 10U & below and avoid issuing misconduct cards to the players. 

The referee will be expected to uphold the Laws of the game, as well as to ensure compliance with all tournament rules and guidelines. Above all, it is the referee’s goal to ensure the game is safe, fair and fun for all participants! Please be kind to your AYSO family, as they are volunteers and doing the best they can.

Remember – it is only a game!

CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES: All efforts will be made by the Regional Referee Admin and Regional Referee Scheduler to assign neutral parties to referee these games. *Championship games will be full length games.


Coaches are expected to set a positive example for the team and will be held responsible for the actions of their team including spectators. Spectators must remain on the side of the field designated for their team and should set up chairs leaving enough room for the Assistant Referees, coaches and players making throw-ins.  At the conclusion of each match, the referees will indicate on the reverse of the game cards any comments for poor sportsmanship.

Any coach or spectator ejected must immediately leave the field and additionally will be prohibited from attending the next scheduled game. Any player sent off (red carded) must immediately retire to the team area (under supervision of an adult) and may not play in the next game.

Any violent conduct red card or ejection may result in the player/coach/spectator being expelled from the tournament at the discretion of the Regional Commissioner.

All Serious incidents will be reported to the Area, Section, and AYSO National Office parties and Regional Safety Director.


Protests will be considered only for the following reasons:

A) An ineligible player has played.

B) One or more registered player(s), present and in uniform, has not played the required three quarters of the game, except for illness or injury as recorded by the game referee.

All protests must be presented in writing to the Competitive Play Coordinator within 1/2 hour of the completion of the game. All protests will be heard by a committee of at least three persons selected by the Regional Commissioner or Competitive Play Coordinator.

Note: Referee judgment calls are final and are not grounds for protest or subject to dispute! All protest decisions are final.

Ultimately, Remember:  It is only a game!  And it is for the KIDS!

Penalty Shootouts Checklist


Click the image above to watch a video which provides an overview

Before the conclusion of regular play

  • Cover in the pregame basic requirements for this procedure
  • In competitions using unlimited substitution rules, remind both coaches at a convenient stoppage (e.g., between the first and second additional periods of play) that:
  • Only players on the field at the end of regular play will be eligible to participate in Penalty Shootouts
  •  Eligible players must be kept separate from ineligible players when regular play ends

Between the conclusion of regular play and the taking of the first kick

  • The “Penalty Shootout” phase of the match begins immediately upon the conclusion of regular play and includes the activities described in this section

  • Determine the number of eligible players for each team
  • Eligible players include any players temporarily off the field with the permission or at the direction of the referee (e.g., receiving treatment, correcting equipment, bleeding, or blood on the uniform who have not been substituted with the permission of the referee)
  • A player temporarily off the field at the end of regular play who is declared unable to return after regular play has ended but before the first penalty kick is taken may not be substituted for and will reduce the number of eligible players for that team
  • If, based on this determination, the teams are of unequal numbers, the team with more eligible players must "reduce to equate"
  • The captain of the team with the greater number must identify the player(s) to be excluded from participating in Penalty Shootouts as a means of making equal the number of eligible players on each team
  • The excluded player(s) must join team officials and substitutes in the technical area

  • Allow eligible players to receive water, treatment, equipment repair, or other such assistance on the field near their bench. Team officials may temporarily enter the field but must exit the field when directed by the referee.
  • Decide which end of the field will be used for this procedure
  • The senior assistant referee takes a position at the intersection of the goal line and the goal area line
  •  The other assistant referee will be located in the center circle
  • Conduct a coin toss (winner chooses which team will kick first)
  • At the conclusion of the break time set by the competition authority, ensure that only eligible players remain on the field 
  • Defending goalkeeper properly positioned at the goal
  • Non-defending goalkeeper at the intersection of the goal line and the penalty area line behind the senior assistant referee
  • All others off the field (substitutes and team officials in their respective technical areas)

During Penalty Shootouts (from the first kick onward)

  • All eligible players (including the goalkeeper) must conform with the uniform and equipment requirements of Law 4
  • All players and substitutes remain under the authority of the referee
  • A foul cannot be committed, but players can be warned  for misconduct 
  • Team officials are required to behave in a responsible manner
  • A player who is sent off or is injured and unable to continue will reduce the team's pool of eligible players but the opposing team will not further "reduce to equate"
  • Substitutions are not permitted
  • However, an injured goalkeeper may be substituted if the team has not used all its permitted substitutions
  • If the goalkeeper had kicked before being replaced, the goalkeeper’s substitute from off the field is considered also to have kicked
  • No eligible player will be permitted to kick more than once in the same round of that player’s team
  • The goalkeeper may change places with an eligible teammate at any time provided the requirements of Law 3 are met
  • Except where modified by rules specific to this procedure, Penalty Shootouts are conducted in accordance with the requirements and procedures in Law 14, the Guide to Procedures, and the officiating team’s pregame discussion
  • However, once the ball is in play, the kicker may not play the ball again in any way (including if the ball rebounds from the goalkeeper, the crossbar, or a goalpost)
  •  A goal is scored by a Penalty Shootout only if it meets the requirements of Law 10
  • If the kicker violates Law 14 and a goal is scored or if the goalkeeper violates Law 14 and a goal is not scored, the kick must be retaken
  •  If, as a result of a violation, the kick must be repeated, it may be taken by a different eligible player

■         The other eligible player must not have kicked already in the same round

■         The original kicker whose kick is retaken by a different eligible player is not counted as having taken a kick

  • The senior assistant referee assists the referee with determining if a goal has been scored and whether there has been illegal goalkeeper movement which affected the outcome of the kick
  •  The other assistant referee assists in managing the eligible players in the center circle and maintaining an orderly movement of the players out from and back to the center circle, in accordance with the procedures discussed in the pregame.
  • If the end of the field being used for Penalty Shootouts becomes unplayable (field conditions and/or the condition of the goal), the referee may change to the other end of the field, but it is recommended that, if possible, this not be done until each team has kicked an equal number of times
  • Unless otherwise specified by the rules of competition, the final match report will indicate the tied score at the end of regular play (including any extra time) and will then indicate the final tally of Penalty Shootouts which allowed one team to advance
  • If, through misconduct, injury, or other cause, the number of players on a team falls below seven, Penalty Shootouts will continue so long as the team has at least a single eligible player

Initial group of 5 Players for Penalty Shootouts

  • Penalty Shootouts are conducted in pairs, one from each team, for an initial round of up to five pairs
  • Penalty Shootouts are stopped and one team is declared the winner if that team has scored more goals than the other team and the number of kicks remaining for that other team is insufficient to make up the difference (e.g., 3-0 after three rounds -- the team with 0 cannot make up the difference since only two kicks remain)
  • Penalty Shootouts proceed past the initial round of five only if, after five kicks by each team, the score is still tied

Initial round of all eligible players

  • Past the initial group of five, Penalty Shootouts proceed only in single pairs
  • At this point, Penalty Shootouts are stopped and one team is declared the winner if that team has scored in its pair but the other team has not
  • If Penalty Shootouts proceed beyond all eligible players into a second or subsequent round, players are not required to kick in the same order as in any previous round

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AYSO Region 1463 - Temecula / Murrieta

Murrieta, California 92563

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 951-290-2721
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