Our refund policy allows for a consistent approach to refunds that is repeatable and is not punitive. While we do try to accommodate refund requests when circumstances warrant, the policy is our guideline.
>> Refunds of the Rivertowns portion of the registration fee are available until a player participates in a Rivertowns AYSO soccer activity.
>> Rivertowns AYSO recreational program is a fall+spring program. The registration fee covers the fixed costs of both seasons. There are no refunds if a player does not participate in the spring soccer season.
>> Cancellations happen in outdoor sports due to weather and field conditions. There are no refunds, reimbursements, or credits for these events outside of our control.
>> These items are never refundable:
------------- AYSO National Annual Player Fee
The fee goes directly to National AYSO, not to Rivertowns AYSO.
------------- Transaction charge
The registration software adds this automatically, the charge goes to them, not Rivertowns AYSO.
------------- Uniform cost
The vendor is paid directly for the uniform.
The vendor does not provide refunds since the uniform is customized with a player number.
Rivertowns AYSO does not refund uniforms on the vendor's behalf; the funds are not paid to Rivertowns AYSO.