Website Manager

American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Albuquerque - Region 104

Registration Scholarship

We have been fortunate through the years to be able to offer scholarship assistance to those players/families in need, though we have learned that many families are not aware of this opportunity.  The scholarship will not include the national player fee and/or processing fee on the website. 

Upon confirmation and receiving a scholarship, there will be a requirement to volunteer for a regional position in some capacity to help your child(ren) and the region.

These can be located at Help Wanted

These along with team specific postions are what we need help with and have available in the Region 

You will receive an email with a code that is to be used for registration costs. 

Thank you 

AYSO 104 Board

Please note how many scholarships you are requesting when filling out the below link.

Any scholarship request after the closure of registration will only be reviewed in your child is on the waitlist and gets selected. if selected please email Scholarship Committee

Contact Us

AYSO Albuquerque - Region 104

PO Box 3561 
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87190

Email Us: [email protected]