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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Albuquerque - Region 104


Tournament Information


AYSO Region 104 enjoys playing in two tournaments put on by Area 12/C and AYSO ChallengeFC for players from Albuquerque and surrounding AYSO regions: the Meltdown Tournament and the Duke City Shootout Tournament. All AYSO teams U9 and older are invited to attend both tournaments, and teams as young as U7 are invited to the Funfest at the Meltdown tournament. AYSO Challenge and ACT teams will participate as well. These tournaments provide regular season AYSO teams a chance to experience a more competitive level of soccer, play three games in a weekend, and have lots of fun.

In addition to these tournaments, some divisions, U11 and up, choose to host End of the Season Tournaments. Division commissioners or their designee need to coordinate the tournaments, including field availablity, with the Field Scheduler

Because our AYSO liability insurance does not allow regular season teams to play in non-AYSO events, these tournaments give our regular season teams a chance to compete in tournament play.

Contact Us

AYSO Albuquerque - Region 104

PO Box 3561 
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87190

Email Us: [email protected]