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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Albuquerque - Region 104

Position Descriptions

Volunteers Positions to Suit Everyone

 Where do I Fit In?

We always need volunteers at the team level, division level and at the regional level. Take a look at these positions, select the one that suits you and volunteer! We have the training and support you need to have a great time enjoying soccer with your child. Some of the positions involve getting out in the fresh air, and they are marked "Active." Other equally important tasks can be done from the comfort of home; they are marked "Administrative." Each position also includes an estimate of the time commitment and training required. If you'd like to help out, but you don't see a position that's right for you, contact the Volunteer Coordinator, and they'll help you find a way to contribute.

Coach (Active)

Over 380 teams play every fall and spring in Region 104 AYSO. That means we need 380 coaches. As a coach you will motivate, congratulate, teach, encourage, drill, console, strategize, lead, and mentor a small group of children or young adults for 20 weeks. Even if you have no soccer experience, AYSO will help teach you the principles of the game and how to coach kids to have fun and learn soccer. You'll learn about the game and you'll likely love it so much you'll become a coach next year.

The rewards come in the form of watching the kids have fun at a game or practice, and watching their individual skills and teamwork improve. There is also a great sense of accomplishment when you reach the end of a season and look back and see how far the team has come.

And for those who have "serious" jobs, there is no better way to regain your perspective than to watch a bunch of 7-year-olds at practice.


Coaches need to take Safe Haven and Concussion awareness course, and the appropriate coach course. Coaches are AYSO certified.

Time Commitment

Coaches have to put in a lot of work during the course of the season: up to 2 practices per week, plus a game on Saturday, plus preparation time for each practice, plus general administrative work. Over the course of a 16-week season this is well over 80 hours of work. While other volunteer positions require more or less time, coaching provides the greatest opportunity for you to have fun!

Assistant Coach (Active)

If you don't have time to be a head coach, then become an assistant coach! We need 380 assistant coaches. Skill and tactical coaching is more effective if players can be divided into smaller groups. Coaches may not be available at some practices or games. If there is no assistant coach, there will be no practices and no games when the coach is away. No experience or soccer skills are required – just be willing to come and have fun with the kids.

Coaches need to take Safe Haven and Concussion awareness course, and the appropriate coach course. Coaches are AYSO certified.

Time Commitment

Attend practices and assist coach as needed. Practice time depends on age group, from 35 minutes to 3 hours per week during the season.

Referee (Active)

Referees enforce the laws of the game and help assure that sportsmanship counts as much as points on the board. We need 400 Referees. One to three referees work every game. Referees can be as young as 12 years old. Volunteering is good for community service hours. It looks great on high school and college applications, too! Instantly recognizable uniform! You'll learn more about soccer than you thought there was to know!


Referees need to take Safe Haven and Concussion awareness course and be certified to the level they will be refereeing.

Time Commitment

Being a referee is the perfect slot for those AYSO parents who have crowded schedules. Your commitment consists of attending the classes and, when the season begins, attend games scheduled around your child's games (when you would be down at the fields anyway).

Referees typically ref at least one game each weekend during the 16 week season. There are also optional monthly referee meetings at the ATC where you may interact with other referees, watch experienced referees, and listen to the "presentation of the month."

Division Commissioner (Administrative)

Coordinate all activities of the division including registration, balancing of teams, allocation of coaches, scheduling of games, communications with registrars, coaches, referees and equipment manager. We need 20 Division Commissioners. The Division Commissioners take care of tasks like the following:

•    Serve as liaison between Chief Coach and coaches in a division.
•    First responder to coaching problems.
•    Ensure first home team sets up the field equipment and last home team takes equipment home.
•    Provide advice to ensure AYSO philosophy is upheld.
•    Pick up game cards in timely fashion.
•    Provide information to scheduler for spring season.
•    Balance and organize end of season tournament as appropriate.
•    Work closely with your division registrar, referee scheduler, field marker and equipment manager.


 Attend two-hour training information session.

Time Commitment

•    Meet with coaches at August coaches meeting: 2-4 hours.
•    Coordinate conduct of division during season: 0-4 hours per week during season.
•    Distribute equipment at beginning of season and collect equipment at end of season: 2 hours.
•    Pass on information (email or phone) as required: less than 1 hour per week during season.
•    Coordinate new player additions with coaches and registrar. 

Field Marker (Active)

It's a walk in the park - literally. Region 104 plays on over 50 fields 29 parks around Albuquerque. We need at least 29 Field Markers. Properly lined fields increase the enjoyment of the game for the kids and referees.


Attend training to learn how to line fields.

Time Commitment

Line assigned fields as required on Thursday or Friday evenings: 2-4 hours per month.

Field Marking Administrator (Administrative)

Work with Division Commissioners, Field Markers and Field Marking Instructor to ensure each field has a Field Marker. Ensure each Field Marker has been trained by the Field Marking Instructor and has all the necessary equipment to mark the fields as required.


On the job.

Time Commitment

Twenty hours in August, ten in February, 0-2 the rest of the year.

Team Manager (Administrative)

The Team Manager coordinates and schedules the team roster, pictures, trophies, snacks, trash duty, phone calls, and parties. Offers refreshments to the referees at half time and after the game. AYSO requires that at least two adults be present at all practices and games. The team manager will ensure there is a practice parent designated to stay for the entire practice if either the coach or assistant coach will not be in attendance.


On the job.

Time Commitment

Less than an hour per week during the season.

Remember…AYSO is a 100% Volunteer Run Organization. We can't provide soccer for 4000 children without you!

Contact Us

AYSO Albuquerque - Region 104

PO Box 3561 
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87190

Email Us: [email protected]