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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Albuquerque - Region 104

Coach Training Program

The AYSO Coaching Program includes three facets:

Coach Safe Haven Certification, Concussion Awareness training, and discipline-specific training.  
All AYSO coaches are required to take the Coach Safe Haven course once before their first season coaching.  After that we strongly encourage coaches to take the Coach Safe Haven refresher at the Annual Coach and Referee Meeting at the start of each fall.  If you can't make the annual meeting for some reason, you can contact your Division Coordinator or the Regional CVPA for updates on changes to the Safe Haven and coaching programs.  

The discipline-specific training consists of the following courses.  Coaches are required to take a coaching course every two years.

5U/6U Coach: One hour online and two hour field session
7U/8U Coach: One hour online and two hour field session
U9/U10 Coach: two hour classroom (online) and two hour field session
12U Coach: (1) hour online course, (2) hour classroom session, and four hour field session
14U - Intermediate Coach: (2) hour online course, eight hours classroom and field practical
15U and up - Advanced Coach: (2+) hour online pre-work, (6-8) hours in a class, (2+) hours post class work
National Coach: residential course, held in Southern California, typically once a year for seven days

Online training is all located at

Coach and Assistant Coach Information

Hello Coaches and Assistant Coaches,

THANK YOU for stepping up to be a part of your young players soccer experience this fall!!   AYSO is an ALL Volunteer organization with dedicated family members like you willing to jump in and make the magic happen for our kids.

You’re wondering what happens next now that you’ve offered to be an AYSO Coach or Assistant Coach!

Step 1 – Become an AYSO Volunteer by going to; the same place you registered your child.  Login and under My Account , Select VOLUNTEER on the Left, then Find Volunteer Roles on the Top Right, then choose Head Coach in your child’s division.

Step 2 –  Training!  Every AYSO Volunteer needs three certifications:

Safe Haven
CDC Concussion
Age appropriate coach certification

Go to and login with the same credentials you use in  Then click on My Courses.  Take the following online courses:  AYSO’s Safe Haven and CDC: Concussion Course.  This takes care of the first two certifications.

If are going to be a 6U, 8U, or 10U Coach, then you’ll take an age appropriate class online, followed by the age appropriate field session. 

After you complete the online Safe Haven, CDC Concussion, and age appropriate online coach course, sign up for your age appropriate Coach Field Session which you can find on under Live Sessions.  These sessions last two hours and are scheduled on Saturday’s before the season kick off on September 9th.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you are coaching U12 or above, your Coach class is a combination of classroom and field session (no on-line portion).  Please sign up for the 12U Coach or Intermediate Coach (for 14U) on under Live Sessions.  If you have any questions about these coach courses, please email the [email protected]

Step 3 – Attend the Annual Coach Meeting at the New ATC at 3901 Georgia Ste NE, Suite C3.   These meetings are scheduled By Division and you can look up your division’s meeting on our website at and select the Calendar link.   At this meeting we’ll review some important information you’ll need to be successful, and you’ll also receive your roster and uniform box so you can contact your team families and get the season started!

Questions?  No problem, just let us know what you need.

Thanks for all you do for the kids, 


Contact Us

AYSO Albuquerque - Region 104

PO Box 3561 
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87190

Email Us: [email protected]