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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Albuquerque - Region 104

ACT/AYSO Alliance

Advanced Competition Team (ACT) will be Transitioning to AYSO Alliance

 ACT is a tryout based program designed to identify players and teams interested in moving into a more competitive program.   Interested players must try out and be selected for the team. Players selected for an ACT team play on their regular season AYSO team and the ACT team for tournaments. ACT teams play in tournaments in the Fall after the regular season ends, sometimes in February between seasons, and in the Spring after the regular season ends. There are a few ACT team practices in addition to regular team practice, so there is a bigger time commitment with the player on 2 teams. ACT practices and activities may not conflict with regular season activities. ACT tryouts are held in late September and early October each year.

Upcoming Deadlines and Events

More information coming soon......

Contact Us

AYSO Albuquerque - Region 104

PO Box 3561 
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87190

Email Us: [email protected]