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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

South Huntington Beach Community Soccer Club


All Fields Are Open

Note we can not use Hawes for Spring 2025 Season

Fields closed on the following dates:
Dwyer: Feb 27, March 3, 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 25
Peterson: April 25, May 29

Dwyer not available until 5pm on Feb 11, 12, 19


Where can we practice?
See Field Directory below for a list of opened fields.

What are the addresses of our fields?
See Field Directory below for addresses of each field we are allowed to use.

Do we have permits for certain days and times?
We secure and pay for permits for the fields we are allowed to use. Next to each field listed in the Field Directory below, it shows the days and times we may use a field. Note the days vary by location.

Where are the porta-potties, storage bins, entrances and light switches located at each field?
Please scroll down to see the photos for where each of these are located.

Where are the restrooms?
Each field has a porta-potty and the photos below show the location of each. If they are locked, any coach has the code to open it for you. Please do not use the restrooms in the YMCAs or schools.

Are we allowed to bring dogs to games or practices?
Per both School District and AYSO policies, dogs are not allowed on fields. Service dogs are the exception. Please respect this policy as you put our permits at risk when you do not.

Are golf carts allowed on fields?
No, golf carts or any other motorized vehicle must remain off of fields and be parked legally in the parking lots or streets

Is a field open or closed?
How do I know if a practice is cancelled due to field conditions?
How do I know if a game is cancelled due to field conditions?

Field Directory


Hawes Elementary (M- TH, Sat)

9682 Yellowstone Huntington Beach California United States 92646

4:00-Dusk M-TH, 8-4 Sat

(Last updated 01/28/25 at 08:17 AM )

View Directions

Dwyer Middle School (M-F & Sat) U10+

1502 Palm Ave Huntington Beach California United States 92646

4:00-8:30 M-F, 8-4 Sat

(Last updated 02/12/24 at 03:23 PM )

View Directions

Smith Elementary School (T-TH, Sat)

770 17th St Huntington Beach California United States 92646

4:00-Dusk T-TH, 8-4 Sat (Monday reserved for Epic)

(Last updated 02/12/24 at 03:23 PM )

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Lamb Field (M-F) U10+

10151 Yorktown Ave Huntington Beach California United States 92646


(Last updated 02/25/24 at 09:47 AM )

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Edison Park (M-F) U8 & Under (along Hamilton, under lights)

21377 Magnolia Street Huntington Beach California United States 92646


(Last updated 02/12/24 at 03:23 PM )

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Moffett Elementary (M - Th & Sat.) U12+

8800 Burlcrest Huntington Beach California United States 92646

4:00 - Dusk M-TH, 8-4 Sat

(Last updated 02/12/24 at 03:23 PM )

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John R. Peterson Elementary (M-TH, Sat.)

20661 Farnsworth Huntington Beach California United States 92646

4:00- Dusk M-F, 8-4 Sat

(Last updated 02/12/24 at 03:23 PM )

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John H. Eader Elementary (M-F, Sat.)

9291 Banning Huntington Beach California United States 92646

4:00 - Dusk M-F, 8-4 Sat

(Last updated 02/12/24 at 03:23 PM )

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Isaac Sowers Middle School

9300 Indianapolis Huntington Beach California United States 92646

4:00 - Dusk

(Last updated 08/14/23 at 08:38 PM )

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Opening/Closing Fields & Field Numbers

Locations of key areas to look unlock/lock are noted in the photos below. Some of these photos below are old and will not show the bins in the images.

* After opening a lock, make sure to relock it on a nearby item and spin the combination. Locks left opened are taken by people and go missing.
* Also relock any chains so that they are secure and can not be removed by someone.

Opening a field includes unlocking the gates and porta potty, re-lining the field, putting out goals (U5 - U8), or making sure goals are in the correct spot (U10and above), and putting out cornerflags.


Closing a field requires putting all equipment away and locking all locks.

* Always daisy chain our lock to the school district lock so either party can unlock. Below is a photo of how to properly daisy chain. Two different parties can open the chain with the way the two locks are connected to each other.

* Please find the location of the field you are closing. It will state the different things that are required for that location. Each field may vary slightly so it is important that you review the requirements for your field.


* Put equipment in bin. Close and lock bin. Spin lock combination.
* Lock porta-potty gate. Spin lock combination.
* Turn off lights with switch. Lock box and spin lock combination.
* Close and lock gate. Spin lock combination.


* Put equipment in bin. Close and lock bin. Spin lock combination.
* Lock porta-potty gate. Spin lock combination.
* Close and lock gate. Spin lock combination.

* There are no special instructions for AYSO 56 to close Edison Park.
* If the lights are not on, please contact us and we will contact the City.


* Put equipment in bin. Close and lock bin. Spin lock combination.
* Lock porta-potty gate. Spin lock combination.
* Close and lock gate. Spin lock combination.
* Close and lock parking gate chain. Spin lock combination.

* Lock porta-potty gate. Spin lock combination.
* Turn off lights with switch. Lock box and spin lock combination. 


* Move both goals to cement facing each other and use lock and chain to secure them to ground.
* Put equipment in bin. Close and lock bin. Spin lock combination.
* Lock porta-potty gate. Spin lock combination.
* Close and lock gate. Spin lock combination.


* Put equipment in bin. Close and lock bin. Spin lock combination.
* Lock porta-potty gate. Spin lock combination.
* Close and lock gate. Spin lock combination.


Put equipment in bin. Close and lock bin. Spin lock combination.
* Lock porta-potty gate. Spin lock combination.
* Close and lock gate. Spin lock combination.

Field Courtesy

Region 56 fields are located in residential housing tracts. Please drive slowly and exercise caution when driving to and from your soccer activities. Please show consideration for those who live in the areas surrounding our sites.

Please park in approved spots at the schools sites and be careful not to block resident driveways.

Please pack your trash out after games.

If you are the last on the fields (games or practice) please assist your coach in assureing everyting is properly locked.

 All schools in Orange county prohibit dogs on the school grounds.

Please leave all dogs at home.

Area 11-K Field Maps » Click Here

Area 11-K Field Status by Region »

Reg 5 » Click Here   |  Reg 55 » Click Here   |   Reg 117 » Click Here 
                Reg 143 » Click Here   |  Reg 517 » Click Here   |   Reg 1335 » Click Here

Regions for AYSO Area 11-L South Orange County » Click Here

AYSO Severe Weather Play Policy & Guidelines » Click Here

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 56

P.O. Box 8205 
Huntington Beach, California 92615

Email Us: [email protected]
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