Where can we practice?
See Field Directory below for a list of opened fields.
What are the addresses of our fields?
See Field Directory below for addresses of each field we are allowed to use.
Do we have permits for certain days and times?
We secure and pay for permits for the fields we are allowed to use. Next to each field listed in the Field Directory below, it shows the days and times we may use a field. Note the days vary by location.
Where are the porta-potties, storage bins, entrances and light switches located at each field?
Please scroll down to see the photos for where each of these are located.
Where are the restrooms?
Each field has a porta-potty and the photos below show the location of each. If they are locked, any coach has the code to open it for you. Please do not use the restrooms in the YMCAs or schools.
Are we allowed to bring dogs to games or practices?
Per both School District and AYSO policies, dogs are not allowed on fields. Service dogs are the exception. Please respect this policy as you put our permits at risk when you do not.
Are golf carts allowed on fields?
No, golf carts or any other motorized vehicle must remain off of fields and be parked legally in the parking lots or streets
Is a field open or closed?
How do I know if a practice is cancelled due to field conditions?
How do I know if a game is cancelled due to field conditions?