The purpose of the build out line is to teach players how to advance the ball out of the back by keeping the ball in possession, now becoming the attacking team. This will facilitate player development by allowing the attacking team the opportunity to receive and play the ball in a controlled method rather than the chaotic, more common method of punting the ball up the field and the ensuing scramble for possession (which is usually lost to the opposing team 80% of the time). In addition, players learn to control the ball, have less opportunity to head the ball, and reduce the dangerous play of high kicking because the ball remains on the ground.

The build-out line shall be placed across the field equidistant between the top of the penalty area and the halfway line.

The opposing team must move behind the build-out line for a goal kick or when the goalkeeper has possession.
The goalkeeper in possession of the ball in their hands does not have to wait for the opposing players to move behind the build-out line to release the ball.

The ball may be released to either side of the build-out line, after which the opposing team may cross the build-out line.

If an opponent crosses the build out line before the ball is released and interferes with play, an indirect free kick is awarded to the goal keeper’s team at the point where the opponent crossed the build out line.

Goalkeepers may not punt or drop-kick the ball.

The player taking the goal kick, does not have to wait for opposing players to move behind the build-out line to put the ball into play.

The goal kick may be played to either side of the build-out line.
The ball is in play after the ball is kicked and clearly moves, after which the opposing team may cross the build-out line.

If an opponent crosses the build out line before the ball is in play and interferes with the goal kick, the kick is retaken.

The build-out line in the opponent’s half of the field shall be used as the line to determine offside.
Players cannot be penalized for an offside offense between the halfway line and that build-out line.