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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.


Parents FAQs

Parents - Questions & Answers


This page is designed to get you to the various pages on this site that have all the information you would need to sign your child up for the program, purchase a uniform (separate fee applies), and learn more about AYSO:

  1. How much does registration cost for a full year (Fall/Spring)?
  2. How much does registration cost for the Spring only?
  3. What do I need to do to register my child for AYSO?
  4. What is included in registration?
  5. How do I get a uniform for my child?
  6. How do I get equipment for my child?
  7. What are these divisions all about? What division will my child be in?
  8. I might be interested in volunteering, how does that work?

1. How much does registration cost for a full year (Fall/Spring)?
The cost varies based on the time of registration (early, regular, late) and the registration cycle full year (Fall/Spring) or Spring only. Refer to the Registration menu on this site for more details on how to register and how much registration costs given the time of year. Registration cost is subject to review each year, and there may be delays in updating the website. We apologize in advance if any confusion is caused by this.

2. How much does registration cost for Spring only?
The cost varies based on the time of registration (early, regular, late) and the registration cycle full year (Fall/Spring) or Spring only. Refer to the Registration menu on this site for more details on how to register and how much registration costs given the time of year. Registration cost is subject to review each year, and there may be delays in updating the website. We apologize in advance if any confusion is caused by this.

3. What do I need to do to register my child for AYSO?

Use the the registration instruction page (we suggest printing them out before starting, but that is optional). Assuming you have a credit card, you can pay online as well. The entire registration and payment process can be completed online from the comfort of your home or business. Hundreds of families use the online registration process each year. Please review the instructions carefully on the registration pages and follow them step by step to ensure success.

If you would rather do an in-person registration or payment, there is an opportunity to do that each season. Please email us for details if it's not available on the flyer you received, or the calendar page. Unfortunately, the discounted early bird rate cannot be offered to those that do an in-person registration. If you register online, and drop off payment live, you can qualify for the early bird rate if your registration was completed by the due date.

4. What is included in the AYSO registration?
       - The full year core program includes 16 weeks of games/practices, instruction from certified trainers, certified coaches and unlimited fun!
       - The actual number of games may vary due to weather, division size, coach availability, or other factors. No refunds are available for these factors.
       - Uniforms are included. 
Not included:
        - Equipment is purchased separately. Shin Guards are required. 

5. How do I get a uniform for my child?

Review the uniforms page for details on how to get the uniform, and the associated cost.

6. How do I get equipment for my child?
Review the equipment page for details on what equipment your child will need to play soccer.

7. What are these divisions all about? What division would my child be in?
Review the division page. Children are grouped by grade to ensure they are playing in an environment suitable for their physical and emotional abilities.

It's important that you understand the correct grade to register your child into. This also affects the uniform needs of your child.

8. I might be interested in volunteering, how does that work?

AYSO is an all-volunteer program. Training is provided free of charge. We can always use your help. We need coaches, assistant coaches, division coordinators, team parents, and board members. For a description of each role, review the Volunteer page.

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Hawthorne, New York 10532

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