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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.


AYSO Region 820 Rules and Regulations

These Rules and Regulations for Region 820 are addendums to the AYSO National Bylaws and Guidelines.

AYSO Mission Statement

AYSO's mission is to develop and deliver quality youth soccer programs which promote a fun, family environment based on AYSO's Six Philosophies.

AYSO Six Philosophies

Everyone Plays: AYSO’s goal is for kids and adults to play soccer, so we mandate that every player on every team must play at least 50 percent of every game.

Balanced Teams: Each year we form new teams as evenly balanced as possible, providing a stronger learning experience for players as they play teams of similar ability. It also allows for each player to experience playing with a wide variety of teammates of different skill levels.

Open Registration: Our program is open to all children between 3 and 18 years of age who want to play soccer. Interest and enthusiasm are the only criteria for playing.

Positive Coaching: A coach can be one of the most influential people in a player’s life, so AYSO requires they create a positive experience for every player in AYSO. Additionally, encouraging a player's effort leads to greater enjoyment, improved skills and stronger motivation in players.

Good Sportsmanship: We strive to create a positive environment based on mutual respect, rather than a win-at-all-costs attitude, and our program is designed to instill good sportsmanship in every facet of AYSO.

Player Development: We believe that all players should be able to develop their soccer skills and knowledge to the best of their abilities, both individually and as members of a team, in order to maximize their enjoyment of the game.

Player Registration and Requirements

Player Registration: All players for Region 820 must register through the Sports Connect/Blue Sombrero website ( Players are placed in divisions based on their year of birth and the AYSO Guide for Membership Year. All players must upload a valid birth certificate at registration.

Registration Fees: The fees that Region 820 charges players are used for insurance, uniforms, pictures, field and equipment maintenance, field use, lights, training, referee equipment, coaching equipment, other regional needs and costs. 

Player Refunds and Drops: Coaches may not drop or add players to their rosters. When a player drops from a team due to reasons beyond a coach’s control, the parents of the player must notify the Region and request a refund by sending an email with the player’s full name and date of birth to the Registrar at [email protected]. The coach will receive the next available player from the current wait list. The wait list is managed by the Region 820 Registrar. Final approval regarding these matters are the responsibility of the Regional Commissioner.  All refunds requests will be subject to the withholding of the $25.00 National Membership fee. This initial fee is required by AYSO National for each individual player and covers the player for secondary accidental insurance. Due to current local, county, and state recommendations, uniform returns will not be accepted and cannot be refunded. If the player has received a uniform, $30 will be deducted from the refund. Refund requests initiated after the commencement of team activities will be subject to a prorated refund amount.  In the event of cancellation of a season before the first team activities, all fees except the AYSO National Fee will be refunded.  If a refund is approved, a check will be mailed to the address provided in the Parent’s Sports Connect in approximately 3 to 4 weeks. 

Duties and Responsibilities of the Region

The duties and responsibilities of the Region shall be: 

a) To run a quality youth soccer program in a safe environment that complies in letter and 

spirit with the philosophy, objectives and National Regulations of AYSO; 

b) To maintain good community relations and become involved in youth development and 

other community activities; 

c) To register players, coaches, referees, and other Regional officials; 

d) To assign players and coaches to assure proper balance of teams within any one age 

division within a reasonable geographical area; 

e) To obtain and maintain safe playing facilities; 

f) To obtain and be accountable for uniforms, balls, goals and other necessary 


g) To schedule games; 

h) To assign referees; 

i) To disseminate information to the participants, their families and the community 

concerning the Region and its programs; 

j) To recognize volunteer efforts; 

k) To make available to the participants and their families of the Region these Regional 

Guidelines and any attachments hereto; 

l) To collect and disburse fees and other moneys for the sound financial organization and 

operation of the Region. To keep and submit to the National Office, as required, 

accurate financial records to ensure continuation of the tax exempt status of AYSO, 

and to pay the National Office prior to the start of the season the National portion of its registration fees and for its purchases; 

m) To comply with the Soccer Accident Insurance Program and to submit on a timely 

basis accident notification forms and SAI claims to the National Office; 

n) To notify the National Office of any threatened or actual claim against the Region; 

o) To implement AYSO National programs available to the Region, including referee and 

coach training at least once a year; 

p) To assist in and encourage the growth and development of AYSO programs both 

within and outside of the Region; and 

q) To participate in Area R, Section 1 and National events and programs as practicable. 

AYSO Governing Documents

All Menifee Region 820 teams shall abide by these Region 820 Regional Rules and Regulations (“Regional R&Rs”), as well as all of the following:

a) Laws of the Game (current IFAB)

b) AYSO National Rules and Regulations 

c) Section 1 Rules & Regulations 

d) AYSO Standard Regional Policies and Protocols

AYSO General Structure 

The Organization shall be divided into such operating divisions as the National Board of Directors (the “Board”) may from time to time determine. The present operating divisions are divided by geographical area into Sections, with the responsibility for each Section being vested in a Section Director. Each Section is divided into Areas, with the responsibility for each Area being vested in an Area Director. Each Area is divided into Regions, with the responsibility for each Region being vested in a Regional Commissioner. The Board shall have the right to determine the number of divisions, including Sections, Areas and Regions and their geographical boundaries (which need not be contiguous).

Programs Available

Region 820 annual soccer program includes separate Core Fall and Spring Seasons. Each season is organized separately and each requires payment of Region 820 registration fees. 

The Fall season shall commence on or after August 1st and will typically consist of a nine game season, plus the Fall Tournament for teams that meet their Referee Point and Volunteer Point requirements. Registration for the Fall season generally opens by May 1 and continues through the end of June. Specific registration dates will be advertised on the Region 820 website or social media pages. Players can be added to a waiting list after registration closes, but waiting list players are not guaranteed to be placed on a team.  Teams that have earned the required number of volunteer points will qualify for Fall Playoffs. The top teams from divisions 10U and older will move on to Area Playoffs and potentially Section Playoffs. 

Fall season programs typically include Playground, Core 6U through 16u, and EXTRA.

The Spring season, typically referred to as Spring Fling, will commence in mid-March. It will typically consist of a nine (9) game season concluding on the week before Memorial Day weekend, plus the Playoffs for 8U and older that have met their Volunteer Point requirements. In the Spring season, the Payoff Tournament is the season's conclusion for Core teams. There are no Area or Section Playoffs for the Core Spring Season. Registration for the Spring season generally opens by October 1 and continues through early January. Specific registration dates will be advertised on the Region 820 website or on the Region’s social media accounts. Players can be added to a waiting list after registration closes, but waiting list players are not guaranteed to be placed on a team. The Menifee Tournament will be held at the end of the Spring season, but there are no Area or Section playoffs for the Core Spring season teams. 

Spring season programs typically include Playground, Core 6U through 16U, Spring Select, and EXTRA. 

Spring Select is a competitive program in the Spring season only. Spring Select teams are formed from the players in the Core Fall Season and play in a league that includes Area 1R and Area 1N teams. The Spring Select season is similar to the Region 820 Spring season schedule. Spring Select teams generally have a series of playoffs after the conclusion of the Spring Select regular season. However, any Spring Select or EXTRA teams that have not met both of their Referee Point and Volunteer Point requirements may not play in Area or Section playoffs. Menifee Region 820 typically organizes Spring Select teams in Divisions 10U through 19U if qualified coaches and players are willing to participate in this travel program.

EXTRA is a try-out based, internal gaming circuit that offers players a higher-level opportunity to refine their skills in a more competitive playing environment. EXTRA season is all year and runs from August to July. The season is broken up into two parts consisting of a regular season in Fall and optional Tournaments taking place in Spring

Uniforms and Equipment

Uniforms: A full uniform consisting of a jersey, shorts, and socks will be provided to each registered player. Uniforms are to be worn on game day with jersey tucked into shorts and shin guards worn underneath the provided socks. Uniforms may not be altered in any way including adding names or sponsors. Uniform sizing is distributor originated. Region 820 purchases these by division (age) and will not be held responsible to replace a uniform that does not fit properly on a player. The Region will provide a different size uniform if the largest uniform initially supplied to a team is much too small for its largest player or much too large for its smallest player. 

Shoes: Although not required, it is strongly suggested that players wear athletic footwear with rubber or plastic cleats. Metal cleats and toe cleats will not be permitted. 

Shin Guards: Shin guards are mandatory and must be made of suitable material to provide reasonable protection. Shin guards must be worn for all practices and games. 

Size of Ball:

Ball size for each division shall be as follows: 

Age Division




AYSO Schoolyard Soccer, 6U & 8U


23.0-25.0 inches

10-12 oz.

10U & 12U


25.0-26.5 inches

12-14 oz.

14U, 16U & 19U


26.5-28.0 inches

14-16 oz.

Spring Select, EXTRA, and Tournament teams may be allowed to purchase team ID items with the AYSO trademark. These items must be purchased through Region 820 and may not include changes to the playing uniform issued to the team. 

The Regional Referee Administrator shall issue referee uniforms and equipment to the Region's referees. 

Region 820 equipment shall not be loaned to any person or organization not affiliated with AYSO without approval of the Regional Commissioner. 


All AYSO players are required to wear shin guards during all scheduled games and practices or Referees/ Coaches shall not allow them to participate. 

No player will be allowed to chew gum or candy during a game or practice because of the possible danger of choking. 

No jewelry will be allowed on any players during a game or practice except medical alert items and religious items that cannot be removed as long as they are worn in a safe manner. Typically, loose items must be taped down so as not to injure any player or volunteer on the field. 

Hair Beads and Clips

Hair control devices and adornments, such as beads, worn in the hair must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be securely fastened to the head.

  2. Do not present an increased risk to the player, teammates, or opponents.

  3. Flat clips less than two inches in length may be used to hold the hair in place close to the head so long as their placement on the head does not present an increased risk to the player, teammates, or opponents

  4. Hair charms are still considered jewelry and are not permitted.

Players shall not practice or participate in any game with any type of splint or cast. Removal of any cast or splint at the field or the surrounding area to attempt to participate shall immediately disqualify the player from participating in that practice or game.

Medical Devices

If the device is needed to restrict mobility, protect an injury or support proper alignment to expedite the healing process of a temporary injury and is a hard (cast, splint, etc.) then it is not allowed. If, on the other hand, the protective device is used to provide support, flexibility, or enable an otherwise healthy player to function normally such as knee brace, prosthesis, hearing aid, insulin pump/monitor, etc. then this would be allowed provided the device was sufficiently padded to prevent injury to other players. 

Referees are responsible to ensure that any player bleeding from a wound leaves the field of play. The player may only return when the referee is satisfied that the bleeding has stopped, all blood or possible infectious bodily fluids are washed off of the player and uniform, cannot be contacted by other players, and signals them to return to the field of play.

Portable goals must be securely anchored to the ground if they will tip or topple easily if not staked. No persons are allowed to hang on permanent or portable goals of any size at any facility. Serious injury or death may result from hanging on the goals!

Any injury or accident resulting in a player:

  • Not being able to safely participate in a game or practice,

  • Requiring medical treatment by a medical provider, or 

  • Otherwise believed to be serious (which includes, but is not limited to, suspected concussion, soft tissue injuries, loss of blood, etc.)

must be reported by the coach to the Safety Director (or if the Safety Director is unavailable, the Commissioner) within one (1) week of the injury. Depending on the injury, a statement from a doctor may be required before the player may resume practicing or playing. 

Parent Guardian Consent and Medical Release forms (“Medical Release” forms) - Coaches must keep a copy of the (electronically signed) Medical Release form at all practices, games, and AYSO team functions (such as Picture Day). If a team does not have Medical Release forms present for a game, the team may forfeit that game, and all games played without valid Medical Release forms.

Field Guidelines

Home teams will be on the North or East side of the field depending on the field orientation. 

Spectators must remain on their team’s respective side of the field. They will also be seated on the opposite half of the field from the Assistant Referee on their side of the field.

All teams are responsible for cleaning the field they play on at the end of each game. 

Field restrictions include: 

No tobacco

No alcohol 

No pets (including dogs)

No littering 

No foul language

Teams assigned the first game of the day are responsible for helping to set up the field. This consists of putting out trash cans, checking and moving any goals that need to be relocated, putting out corner flags, and helping relocate any remaining equipment.

Teams assigned the last game of the day are responsible for helping clean up fields. This includes collecting trash cans, cleaning up any litter, gathering corner flags, and collecting any remaining equipment that may be on the fields. 

Team Formation

Core Team Formation

Region 820 Core teams are formed with the following considerations. 

A. Each head coach will have their child on their team. Siblings in the same household (having at least one common parent or step-parent) are placed on the same team if age/gender appropriate. Any requests for carpool partner, family, friends, may be honored on a case by case basis. These decisions are limited and special consideration will go to families that participate in the volunteer needs of the region. Requests for specific practice days or times will not be honored. 

B. An AYSO-endorsed computerized registration program will be used to place the remaining players on teams, giving consideration to player ratings from the previous season. The Region may institute additional procedures designed to supplement the coach's rating designation, and Region administrators may make adjustments to ensure the appropriate balancing of teams. Player rating information shall remain confidential and not be given to anyone, including the player’s parent(s). Once assigned, Core players will not be moved from one team to another. 

C. After the season’s registration period closes, the Region may create a Waiting List. Initially, there are usually open spots on some team rosters so that a Waiting List player may be moved to a team immediately. After team rosters are complete, the path for Waiting List players is as follows: If a player drops from a team (moves, injured, quits, etc.), a Waiting List player is invited to take the open spot.  Occasionally, if there are enough players on the Waiting List and available coaches, we will consider creating additional teams, as long as it doesn't interfere with game schedules. No new teams will be formed after the first game of the season. After the second game of the season, we usually close out our Waiting List. Balancing teams will be the priority when adding players from the Waiting List. No player shall be assigned to a 10U through 19U team after the second game unless that team has less than three available substitutes. Exceptions to team formation and late player additions after the first game can also be made as appropriate with the Commissioner’s approval if unusual circumstances arise. 

Spring Select Team Formation

Region 820 Spring Select teams are comprised of players selected by a particular coach to participate. There is no requirement that a player have played on a competitive team before; however the player must have played in at least half of the Fall Season. 

EXTRA Team Formation

Region 820 EXTRA teams are created based on players that have participated in try-outs. Players are not required to have played in the Core season to qualify for playoffs. 

Team Names

Team names shall bear no resemblance to a religion, nationality, ethnicity, an alcoholic or tobacco product, nor to drugs. These team names shall not be violent in nature or contain any sexual reference.

Team Banners

Team banners and flags must include the AYSO logo, Region 820 number and name, team name, Coaches’ names, and team manager’s name. The banner or flag may include only one of the following three details about a player: 1) the player’s first name, 2) the player’s last name, or 3) the player’s uniform number.

  1. Banners are to measure  3’ X 5’ 

  2. Pennants are to be a 2’ X 3’ triangle with the team name on one sid

Field Use and Practice Space

All AYSO Coaches are volunteers, practice times and locations are scheduled at the coach’s convenience. 

Attendance & Participation - only registered players

Game Day

  1. Games must start and end on time to maintain a schedule that will fairly allow all players equal playing time. Games that are running ten (10) minutes or more behind may be canceled or shortened to maintain this fair schedule by any member of the Executive Board, Board Member, designated referee, or staff member. 

  2. Home team will provide the center referee (CR) and the visiting team will provide two (2) assistant referees (AR).  In the case that qualified referees are not available for all roles, the most qualified referee will be assigned the center referee position. Volunteers may be acquired to provide Club Linesman in place of AR but Club Linesman do not qualify for volunteer points. If no referees are provided, the game will be considered a scrimmage with both team’s coaches on the field helping to manage the scrimmage. 

  3. Game ball will be provided by the home team.

  4. Standings are not calculated during regular Core season, playoffs not included.  

  5. In pursuit of the AYSO philosophy of good sportsmanship, any team winning by 5 or more goals must take clear and positive action to not run up the score. This is overwhelming and diminishing to the other team and does not keep in mind AYSO philosophies. 

  6. Referee judgment calls are final and are not grounds for or subject to protest. Protests regarding violations of the Region’s Rules and Regulations should be brought to the attention of the Region staff within 15 minutes of the completion of the match. A protest form will be completed online by the head coach only and submitted to the Regional Commissioner within 24 hours of the match. 

  7. Derogatory comments to any player, coach, spectator, referee, or volunteer by anyone will not be tolerated and may result in ejection and/or suspension of any party involved. Supportive actions, encouraging words, and positive attitude is the AYSO method. 

Substitution and Playing Time

All eligible team members in attendance at AYSO matches must play at least half of the match, excluding overtime. 

  1. Such participation is controlled as follows: 

  1. Approximately midway through each half the referee shall permit substitution. This normally occurs during a regular stoppage in play, and the match is resumed with the appropriate restart (i.e. throw-in, goal kick, corner kick, kick-off, free kick, penalty kick or dropped ball). On occasion the referee may need to stop play for substitution while the ball is in play, in which case the match is resumed with a dropped ball. The clock will run during the substitutions as this is not a water or tactical instruction break. Players not being substituted should remain on the field as play may be restarted immediately after substitutions are completed.

  2. Substitutions may also be made at half-time and at the start of any overtime periods. 

  3. When the referee signals for substitution, the coaches should have all substitutes entering the match immediately report to the referee or the designated assistant referees, who shall note on the lineup cards those team members substituting. 

  4. During such stoppages, the coach of each team may substitute as many team members, or none, including previously substituted team members, as long as all eligible team members meet the minimum playing requirements. 

  5. Coaches’ failure to play a player the required ½  of a game (subject to any of the above conditions) will result in an automatic forfeit of the game. Repeated violation of the minimum playing time rule will result in the suspension or termination of coaching privileges for the coach involved.

2. Substitution for injury: 

  1. If a player is injured, the coach may provide a substitute for the player, in which case the injured player may not return until the beginning of the next “quarter”. Only the player who is injured is credited with a “quarter” played regardless of the actual time played. 

  2. The coach may choose to not substitute and “play short” thereby allowing the injured player to return during the “quarter” in which he or she was injured. 

  3. The player must receive a signal from the referee in order to return to the match. 

  4. If a player becomes ill or is seriously injured and is therefore unable to play ½  of the game, the referee must note such a case and cause on the game card. 

3. Late arriving team members shall be substituted as follows: 

  1.  If the team member arrives during the first “quarter”, the team member must play a minimum of two of the remaining three “quarters”. 

  2. If the team member arrives during the second or third “quarter”, the team member must play a minimum of one “quarter”. 

4. Signed lineup cards must be completed by the referee and forwarded to the Regional Commissioner or his/her designee.

Variations of Play Based on Division


1. For 6U, the throw-in is replaced with the pass-in. Opposing players must be at least two yards from the ball until it is kicked. 

2. Training of throw-in technique may begin at 8U and up. 


1. For 8U, 9U, and 10U, the goalkeeper shall not punt, nor drop kick the ball. 

2. An indirect kick will be awarded to the opposing team at the spot of the offense if a goalkeeper for 8U to 10U deliberately punts the ball during a match, except that an indirect free kick awarded to the attacking team inside the opposing team’s goal area must be taken on the goal area line which runs parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the goalkeeper punted the ball. 


No slide tackling will be allowed for divisions 6U, 8U, and 10U. Divisions 12U and older may slide tackle as long as the tackle is performed in accordance with safe play guidelines.


1. The dimensions and markings of the field of play and goals shall be at the discretion of the Region and, whenever possible, conform to the IFAB Laws of the Game for 13U and older or to AYSO/US Soccer Player Development Initiative small-sided match requirements as follows:

Field Sizes by Age Division

Schoolyard 6U,


9U, 10U

11U, 12U

13U, 14U



Length (Yards)

25 to 35

35 to 45

55 to 65

70 to 80

100 to 130

100 to 130

Width (Yards)

15 to 25

25 to 35

35 to 45

45 to 55

50 to 100

50 to 100

Center Circle Radius (Yards)







Goal Area Length/Width (Yards)


6 x 14

4 x 8

5 x 16

6 x 20

6 x 20

Penalty Area Length/Width (Yards)


10 x 18

12 x 24

14 x 36

18 x 44

18 x 44

Goal Line to Penalty Spot(Yards)







Max Goal Size Height/Width (Feet)

4 x 6

6 x 12

6.5 x 18.5

7 x 21

8 x 24

8 x 24

Recommended Goal Size (Feet)

4 x 6

4 x 6

6.5 x 12

6.5 x 18.5

8 x 24

8 x 24

Field size may be reduced to accommodate short sided games and younger players.

2. Spectators shall not be allowed behind the goal lines. Exceptions are as follows:

  1. Photographers who have received authorization from the referee, and who shall remain quiet and sufficiently back from the goal lines. 

  2. Divisions 8U and 10U may have a goalkeeper coach for the keeper if the coach desires. The keeper coach shall not coach any other members of the team other than the goalkeeper. Goalkeeper coaches are only recommended for the beginning of the season and will not be allowed in end of season tournament play. 


Ball size for each division is listed in the document above under equipment. 


1. Consistent with the US Soccer mandates on heading the ball, heading is banned for all division players 11U and below (12U and below for programs without single age divisions) in both practices and matches. Heading for players in 14U is limited to a maximum of thirty (30) minutes per week with no more than 15-20 headers, per player. There is no restriction on heading in matches. 

2. An indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposing team if a player in the above-stated divisions, deliberately touches the ball with his/her head during a match. The indirect free kick is to be taken from the place where the player touched the ball with his/her head with the following exceptions:.

 a. An indirect free kick awarded to the attacking team inside the opposing team’s goal area, must be taken on the goal area line which runs parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the player touched the ball with his/her head. 

b. An indirect free kick awarded to the defending team in their own goal area may be taken from anywhere in that area. 

3. Neither cautions nor send-offs shall be issued for persistent offenses or denying an obvious goal scoring opportunity related to the heading infractions.


  1. Playground and 6u will not have Goalkeepers

  2. 8U, 10U, and 12U Goalkeepers may not play for more than ½ of the game with at least one additional quarter played on the field

  3. 14U and older Goalkeepers may play the entire game in the goal

  4. Restricted play time for Goalkeepers does not apply to tournament play.


1. The build-out line shall be placed across the field equidistant between the top of the penalty area and the halfway line. 

2. The opposing team must move behind the build-out line for a goal kick or when the goalkeeper has possession. 

3. The player taking the goal kick does not have to wait for opposing players to move behind the build-out line to put the ball into play. The goal kick may be played to either side of the build-out line. The ball is in play after the ball is kicked and clearly moves, after which the opposing team may cross the build-out line. If an opponent crosses the build out line before the ball is in play and interferes with the goal kick, the kick is retaken. 

4. The goalkeeper in possession of the ball in their hands does not have to wait for the opposing players to move behind the build out line to release the ball. The ball may be released to either side of the build out line, after which the opposing team may cross the build out line. If an opponent crosses the build out line before the ball is released and interferes with play, an indirect free kick is awarded to the goal keepers team at the point where the opponent crossed the build out line. 

5. The build-out line in the opponent's half of the field shall be used as the line to determine offside. Players cannot be penalized for an offside offense between the halfway line and that build-out line. 

Number of Players on the Field


Players on Field per team (Including GK)

Playground Soccer

Not Applicable


4 - No Goal Keeper


7 players


7 players


9 players

14U and older

Full 11 players


1. Matches shall be of two equal halves, not to exceed the following maximum durations: 

2. Half-time periods shall be a minimum of five and a maximum of ten minutes as designated by the referee. 


Maximum Duration of Half

Playground Soccer

Not Applicable

Schoolyard Soccer

10 minutes


10 minutes


20 minutes


25 minutes


30 minutes


35 minutes


40 minutes


45 minutes

3. Player Safety is paramount. Water breaks are allowed at the referee’s discretion when heat conditions warrant this consideration. 

4. Where necessary due to scheduling time constraints, the duration of the two halves is to be reduced by an equal amount to allow for substitution.

Inclement Weather

  1. The Commissioner, Regional Safety Director, or the Regional Referee Administrator will cancel games and practices if deemed necessary due to inclement weather, excessive heat, poor air quality, or other similar conditions. Teams should always arrive for games or practices unless the Menifee Region 820 website, social media accounts, or email notification reflect contrary information. Playing in hot weather is generally expected and prepared for by drinking plenty of water and being vigilant of players’ physical well-being. Games canceled due to the above reasons will most likely not be rescheduled. If you feel that the weather or other conditions are detrimental to the health or safety of your child, please take your child home.

  1. Games will not necessarily be canceled because of rain if the fields are still in playable condition. If deemed necessary the Regional Commissioner, Assistant Regional Commissioner, Regional Referee Administrator and the Safety Director will cancel the games and notify teams. Unless so notified, all teams must be present for any scheduled games.

  1. The Regional Commissioner, Assistant Regional Commissioner, Regional Referee Administrator and the Safety Director have the authority to cancel games in the event of a Smog Alert, Excessive Heat or other unsafe condition

  1. The referees will not start a game in the event of fog until both goals can be seen from the center of the field.

  1. Region 820 has arranged to make these fields available for your team to play their scheduled games on. While the availability of these fields cannot be changed, if you feel that the weather is detrimental to the health of your child, please take your child home.

  1. Under no circumstances should practice be held or games played during thunder or lightning storms. Participants must seek shelter at the first sign of lightning and/or thunder, and not resume activity for 30 minutes after no thunder has been heard or lightning seen.

Forfeits/Game Termination

  1. It is mandatory to play a regularly scheduled league game unless a valid reason for non-appearance is supplied to the Regional Commissioner and approved in writing.

  2. No game may be rescheduled without prior, written approval from the Regional Commissioner or his/her designee and the opposing coach within 72 hours of the scheduled match time.

  3. A team must have a minimum of five (5) players in 10U, six (6) players in 12U, and seven (7) in 14U and above, present in uniform before a game will be allowed to start, except in modified divisions. A match may not start or continue if either team has less than the minimum number of players. 

  4. Teams must be ready to take the field within ten (10) minutes of the scheduled starting time for the game to begin. Failure to do so may result in a forfeit by the delaying team and the game referee will enter it on the lineup card as "1-0 forfeit".

  5. If both scheduled teams fail to take the field as required, the referee may cancel the game and enter it on the lineup card as "1-0 forfeit" against both teams. Such double forfeit will be counted as a loss against both teams in league standings.

  6. Once a game has been started, only the referee has the authority to suspend or terminate play according to the Laws of the Game and Region 820 Modifications. The referee will, however, terminate play during the regular season at the request of the Regional Commissioner, Assistant Regional Commissioner, Regional Referee Administrator, or the Safety Director.

  7. The referee has discretionary power to terminate the game whenever he/she deems such stoppage necessary due to outside interference of coaches or spectators or any other cause. [FIFA Law Five].

  8. In the event of such termination, the referees DO NOT have the authority to declare either team the winner or to decide if the game should be replayed. In such cases the referee shall submit a detailed report to the Region 820 Executive Board who will decide on the matter.

  9. Any coach who withdraws their team from a scheduled game before that game has been terminated by the referee, may face suspension from further coaching duties. The AYSO National Due Process Procedure will be followed.

Volunteer Points

Volunteer points are earned in three categories. Teams are required to meet the minimum points in all three categories to qualify to play in Playoffs. 

  1. Field Painting - Each team will be asked to provide volunteers to help paint the fields. Teams will be assigned a date, typically on a Friday evening. Each team will only need to provide assistance once during a season. 

  2. Board Tent Hours - Each team will be asked to provide a volunteer to help at the board tent.  Teams will be assigned a time frame, typically for one (1) hour. Each team will only need to provide assistance once during a season. 

  3. Referee Points - Each game teams are responsible for providing referees for their game. The Home team is to provide the Center Referee (CR) and the Visitor is to provide the Assistant Referees (AR).  

    1. Center Referees will earn two (2) points for their team

    2. Assistant Referees will earn one (1) point each for their team.

    3. If a team provides more than the required referees then that team will earn the points for the referees provided. 

Sideline Tolerance Policy

  1. All individuals responsible for a team and all spectators shall support the referee. Failure to do so will undermine the referee's authority and has the potential of creating a hostile environment for the players, the referee, and all the other participants and spectators.

  2. No one, except the players, is to speak to the referee during or after the game. Exceptions: Coaches may respectfully ask questions before the game or during breaks in play (water break, halftime), point out emergencies during the game, or respond to the referee if addressed.

  3. Absolutely no disputing calls, during or after the game. Coaches ONLY may respectfully ask referees to monitor unsafe playing conditions during breaks in play (water break, halftime). NO YELLING at the referee, EVER, and no criticism, sarcasm, harassment, intimidation, or negative feedback of any kind during or after the game.

  4. Violators may be ejected and are subject to disciplinary action by the Region 820 AYSO Disciplinary Committee. Disciplinary action may include suspension from games for certain time periods and/or suspension from Region 820 fields in extreme cases. Disciplinary action can and will apply to Coaches as well if necessary.

  5. If coaches or spectators have questions regarding particular calls, rules, or a referee, or wish to give feedback regarding a referee, please contact the referee administrator or board member at the board tent on the game day.

Guidelines for the Discipline, Suspension, or Removal of a Problem Participant, Spectator, Player, or Coach

A. Any significant violation of the AYSO National Rules and Regulations, AYSO Standard Regional Policies and Protocols, Region 820’s Regional Protocols and Policies, or other AYSO Governing Documents, must be reported to the Commissioner. The Commissioner may ask one or more Board Members or volunteers to investigate the alleged violation. While the investigation is underway, the Commissioner may suspend the participant, spectator, player, or coach from participating in the Region 820 program, if there is an imminent danger to the program or team or suspicion that a crime has been committed. 

B. After receiving all information believed to be relevant to the matter, the Commissioner may 

1) impose discipline for the violation, including but not limited to suspension or removal from the Region 820 program, or 

2) appoint a Disciplinary Board to review the violation and recommend any discipline of the participant, spectator, player or coach.

C. Any investigation, review, Disciplinary Board action, suspension, or removal under this Section 15 will comply with AYSO’s Due Process procedures as stated in the AYSO Standard Regional Policies and Protocols, Chapter 4, Article 9 – Dispute Resolution, and AYSO Reference Book, Chapter 8 – Regional Operations - Due Process. A flow chart of AYSO’s Due Process procedures is included.

Duties and Responsibilities 

Head and Assistant Coaches’ Responsibilities 

A. All head and assistant coaches (collectively “Coaches”) shall familiarize themselves with the AYSO Governing documents that are relevant to their team and competition. All Coaches must register as an AYSO volunteer and fully comply with the certification and training requirements. Coaches shall monitor and update their trainings or background checks before their expiration dates. Coaches should inform their players and parents about all important information included in the AYSO Governing Documents listed and make every effort to ensure these governing documents are followed during all practices, games, and other team functions. 

B. Head coaches and Assistant Coaches must be at least 18 years old and a minimum of 2 years older than the players on the team. All volunteers for head and assistant coach positions are subject to Regional Board approval. 

C. Head coaches should recruit one (1) assistant coach, a Team Manager, and several volunteers to help with equipment and other team activities at practices. All adults and youth assisting at team practices must be registered with the region on the Volunteer Application forms submitted to the AYSO National Office. Assistant coaches have the same duties and responsibilities as the head coach. The assistant coach shall assume the head coach’s duties in the head coach’s absence. 

D. All Coaches shall participate in coaching clinics to improve their coaching skills and attend coaches’ meetings, which are designed to enhance the overall quality of coaching and to communicate important information about Region 820’s program. 

The minimum coaching certifications for head coaches are as follows:

6U 6U Coach (the 10U Coaching course is recommended) 

8U 8U Coach (the 10U Coaching course is recommended) 

10U Division 10U Coach 

12U Division 12U Coach 

14U Division Intermediate Coach 

16U /19U Divisions Advanced Coach

E. Coaches shall maintain frequent communications with all players and parents assigned to their teams. A preseason meeting with all parents is recommended. 

F. Coaches shall instruct parents and players in AYSO rules and regulations and directives and make every effort to ensure these instructions are followed during practices and games. 

G. Coaches shall praise and encourage players and never vilify them. Derogatory comments and public complaints about players may result in the Coach's suspension. 

H. Coaches should try to resolve team problems (such as frequent absences, tardiness, bad attitudes, etc.) by discussing the situation with the players and their parents. The Coaching Staff or Regional Coach Administrator should be informed of any continuing problems. Contact the Division Coordinator or Assistant Commissioner if the problem is still unresolved. 

I. Coaches should direct any comments or complaints to 1) the Region 820 Coaching Staff at [email protected], or 2) the Regional Commissioner via the Region 820 email at [email protected]

J. Coaches should schedule and conduct regular practices and provide for the safety of the players during and after practice. Never leave a child alone after a practice or a game. Make sure parents understand this policy before your first practice. 

K. Coaches should ensure the team is at the field 30 minutes before game time and warmed up and ready to play by the scheduled game time. 

L. Coaches are advised to minimize sideline coaching during a game. A good coach teaches at the practice field. LET THE TEAM HAVE FUN! RELAX! REMEMBER, IT’S ONLY A GAME. 

M. Coaches must report all accidents or injuries to an AYSO participant requiring medical attention to the regional Safety Director within one (1) week of the incident, as described in more detail in the Safety Section of this document. 

N. A Coach may be suspended from Region 820 for refusing to allow their team to play or complete any scheduled game. Any Coach allowing parents or unregistered youth to practice or play may be subject to removal from the program. 

O. Coaches should not coach a team during a game while wearing a referee uniform, Regional Board, or Coaching Staff shirts. 

P. As Coaches need to help present a healthy environment for players, there is absolutely no consumption of alcoholic beverages, use of tobacco or vaping products, or use of foul, offensive, or insulting language by any person in attendance of any team function or near the soccer fields.

Q. Coaches should familiarize themselves and the team’s parents with the Region 820 Field Guidelines, which include, but are not limited to:  

  • No pets allowed (except trained service animals), and  

  • No bicycles, skateboards, or vehicles near the playing fields. 

R. Assistant coaches are recruited by the Head Coach but must be approved by the Coaching Staff. Assistant coaches are also subject to final approval by the Regional Board. 

S. The Coaches are responsible for recruiting parents to: 

1. Help set up and take down field equipment, and trash pickup around the field, 

2. Encouraging parents or siblings to become trained referees. Referee Points are essential if the team is going to qualify for the Playoffs.

S. Only the head coach and (one) assistant coach may instruct the players during a game. 8U - 19U Coaches must stay in the marked “technical area” during a game. If the technical area is not marked, Coaches must keep a minimum of two (2) yards back from the touchline and no further from the halfway line than the edge of the center circle. The Coaches will keep all spectators and substitute players at least three (3) feet from the touchline and on the opposite side of the touchline from the Assistant Referee. 6U coaches may be on the field as necessary for Jamboree-style play. 

V. The home team coaches will be responsible for setting up their team on the north or east side of the field. The visiting team coaches will set up their team on the south or west side of the area. The “home” team will be listed first on the game schedule. 

W. For 10U and higher games, official Region 820 game (line-up) cards should be completed and submitted to the referee before the game. The game card must include each player on the team, listed in jersey number order. Each player's first and last name shall be included on the game card, whether present for the game or not. 

X. In keeping with the AYSO philosophy of good sportsmanship, if at any point in the game, a team is winning by five or more goals, the Coaches and team should take clear and positive action (move players into different positions, substitute out some better players, require multiple passes before a player can shoot on goal, etc.) to try to avoid further running up the score and discouraging the other team. 

Y. Coaches should encourage the team to qualify for Playoffs In the Fall season, the team may advance to Core Area 1R and Section playoffs representing Region 820. There are no Core Area or Section playoffs in the Spring Season, but the Spring Fling Playoffs is a fun tournament that is the season's highlight. The only way to advance to Playoffs is for the team to earn enough Volunteer Points to qualify.

Z. If a Coach believes that a player needs to be disciplined by missing practice or a game, the Coach must contact the Coaching Staff before taking any action. If the Coaching Staff agrees, the Coaching Staff must contact the Commissioner for their approval before any action may be taken. The Commissioner’s consent will be given only in the most unusual circumstances. 

Player’s Responsibilities 

A. Players must cooperate with their Coaches and follow their instructions. 

B. Players should attend practices and games regularly and be on time. 

C. Players should, for all games, wear the uniform issued to the team by the Region, including the jersey, shorts, and socks. 

D. All players must wear shin guards that provide a reasonable degree of protection during all scheduled games and practices, or referees and coaches cannot allow them to participate. The shin guard will be worn underneath a sock, covering the entire shin guard. 

E. Players should help pick up trash on or near the field after each game.

F. Players must demonstrate good sportsmanship at all practices and games and make every effort to follow all AYSO and Region 820 rules. 

Parent’s and Spectator’s Responsibilities 

All parents and other spectators should: 

A. Become familiar with the Laws of the Game, AYSO’s philosophies, policies, rules, and other information in the AYSO Governing Documents. 

B. Support their child’s team and the team they play to consistently demonstrate good sportsmanship. 

C. Notify the Coaches before a player’s expected absence from a practice or a game. Parents should ensure their players arrive promptly for each practice or game. Coaches are strongly discouraged from transporting players due to insurance and safety reasons. 

D. Stay within the marked spectator areas on your team’s side of the field. If there are no marked spectator areas, remain at least three (3) feet behind the touchline during games. When 10U to 19U games are played, spectators must also be on the non-Assistant Referee side of the touchline. During the quarter and half-time breaks, spectators may approach the touchline to provide refreshments to the players but must stay off the field. This requirement applies to all 10U to 19U games. Spectators may cheer during the game, but only the Head and (one) Assistant coach may give directions or instructions to the players. Spectators in 10U to 19U games are not allowed beyond the (extension of the) goal lines or behind the goals. However, with the referee's consent, a spectator may help retrieve stray balls behind the goals. While retrieving stray balls helps the game flow, a spectator helping to retrieve stray balls may not cheer or speak to any player on either team. During the first half of the season, an exception may be allowed for goal coaches at the 8u and 10u divisions. 

E. Behave responsibly and avoid, under all circumstances, yelling at, belittling, or jeering other adults or children. Adhere to all Kids Zone guidelines. Region 820 has ZERO TOLERANCE for this type of behavior. Any request of a parent or spectator to leave the field may be referred for additional discipline. 

F. For 6U to 8U teams, assist in goal setup and take down when your team has the first or last game of the day. This is a part of the team’s responsibilities, and Volunteer Points are not earned in this situation. Adhere to AYSO and Region 820 rules regarding pets (except service animals), tobacco, vaping products, alcohol, and offensive, insulting, or abusive language, etc.

H. Contribute to team banner, and team party expenses, if the team decides by a majority vote to participate in these activities. 

I. Remember that Region 820 soccer is for the kids.

Team Manager Responsibilities 

A. Team Managers must be currently registered AYSO volunteers and otherwise satisfy the training and certifications. 

B. Team Managers should coordinate all team communications from or to the Coaches, as requested. 

C. Team Managers should make lists and notices for the coaches, players, and parents as necessary, including, as appropriate:  team roster, including contact information,  team practice and game schedules,  refreshment list and schedule,  information about Picture Day,  information about sponsorships, and  region or team fundraising efforts. Team Managers should remind parents of their assigned responsibility as the dates approach. 

D. Team Managers should keep up to date with regional communication through the region website or via social media. 

E. Team Managers should assist in recruiting referees from parents on the team and volunteers for other events, so the team earns all required Volunteer Points and qualifies for Playoffs. 

G. Team Managers should poll the parents to determine if a majority of the team wants to provide for any team banner, trophies, or awards at the end of the season, a team party or other event, and the expected costs. With the parent’s consent, the Team Parent may collect funds for milestones such as goals scored or team victories. 


A. Referees shall apply the laws designated by the International Football Association Board, as modified for younger players by AYSO and US Soccer. 

B. Referees shall always emphasize the players' welfare and shall referee the game to promote safe competition and good sportsmanship. 

C. Referees are encouraged to attend an annual referee update and refresher course. The Laws of the Game change almost every year. Some years, the changes are very significant! 

D. The referees will be responsible for checking the field and checking the teams in. This consists of ensuring that all players have shin guards, proper shoes (no metal cleats or other dangerous equipment), a proper uniform and that they are not wearing any jewelry (especially earrings) or hard objects in their hair. 

E. The referee shall submit a written Misconduct Report for all send-offs (red cards) issued to players or coaches, as well as any unacceptable conduct by the spectators. 

F. It is the responsibility of the Regional Referee Administrator to review all cautions (yellow cards) and send-offs (red cards) issued. The Regional Referee Administrator will bring to the attention of the Commissioner any improper behavior or violations of the AYSO Governing Documents that are subject to disciplinary review. Any written reports for these situations will be forwarded to the Commissioner. 

H. It is preferred that (center) referee of Intermediate or Advanced level certification be assigned for all 16U and 19U division games and EXTRA and 14U – 19U Spring Select games. However, experienced Regional Referees may be used for these matches with the approval of the Regional Referee Administrator. 

I. The Commissioner has the authority to designate Board Members to monitor matches for improper coach or spectator behavior, including but not limited to, foul language, dissent, and referee abuse. Improper behavior also includes words or actions that may be personal, public, provocative, or persistent towards the referee team or any player, coach, or spectator at or near the match. The Board Member’s authority includes the right to 1) respectfully, but directly, discuss the observed improper behavior with the offending coach or spectator, and 2) consult and advise the match referee and assistant referees about any observed improper behavior, including any recommendations that the referee:  

  • pause or abandon the match,  

  • talk to, warn, caution or send off any coach (including situations where the coach is not properly controlling the behavior of the team’s spectators), or  

  • any other action the Board Member or the referee considers appropriate under the circumstances to address the improper behavior. A youth or adult referee may authorize the Regional Board member to perform any of these actions on behalf of the referee team. 

While “progressive discipline” (first talk to, then warn, then caution, and finally send off) is usually appropriate, the referee retains the authority to skip any step of progressive discipline and may, if applicable, send off a coach or spectator as soon as the first instance of serious improper behavior. Region 820 has a “Zero Tolerance” for referee abuse, especially directed toward youth referees. Improper behavior is perceived much more seriously if directed at a youth referee. The referee may rely on the statements of the Board Member as to observed improper behavior, as if the referee has personally witnessed the stated improper behavior. The Regional Board member is working with the referee team to create a safe, fair, fun, and positive soccer experience for all of the players in the match. If the referee sends off any coach or spectator in the match as a result of the observations of a Board Member, or the Board Member takes any of the above actions directly, the Board Member must write a report on the observed behavior. This report will be in addition to any report submitted by the referee. It should principally be focused on the nature of any improper behavior observed by the Board Member, the resulting action(s) of the Board Member, and the identity(ies) of the offending coach(es) and spectator(s). In any of the above situations, if referees are not present (for example, 6U matches, or the referee team has left the field), then the Board Member may take these actions directly. 


A. The referee's authority begins when they arrive at the field and continues until they leave the field. A caution (yellow card) or send-off (red card) may be issued before, during, or after the game. 

1. PLAYERS – Cautions (yellow cards) – are a cautionary warning. Send-offs (red cards) – a player receiving a red card after the game has started must leave the playing field immediately unless the player is a minor and the parent or guardian is not present. If the parent or guardian is not present, the player may remain at the game as a spectator, sitting by the Coach and under the direct supervision of the Coach, until the game is over. A player receiving a send-off after the game has started may not be substituted, and the team will play short for the remainder of the game. The player is also suspended from playing in the next scheduled game. 

2. COACHES – Coaches may be cautioned (yellow card) or sent off (red card) by the referee for improper behavior, including improper behavior of the team’s spectators. Coaches are responsible for controlling the behavior of a team’s players and spectators. If a Coach is sent off, the game may continue only if an AYSO registered, certified and trained coach for the team is available to continue the match. Otherwise, the game must be immediately abandoned by the referee. 

If the Coach refuses to leave the field promptly, the referee may abandon the game. If a Coach is sent off, they will not be allowed to coach or be present on the sideline for the next game. 

Any send-off of a Coach may result in further disciplinary action, depending on the specific circumstances involved. 

3. SPECTATORS – A Coach is responsible for controlling the behavior of the team’s parents and other spectators. As in the case of the coach, if, in the opinion of the referee, the conduct of the spectator(s) is unacceptable, the referee may warn, caution, or send off the coach. If the improper conduct of the spectator(s) persists, the coach will be informed that the game will not continue until the spectator(s) leaves the field. If the spectator(s) refuses to leave the field, the referee will abandon the game. The spectator(s) may stay in the parking lot until the game ends. If a spectator(s) is asked to leave the field, they will not be allowed to watch the next game from the sideline. Coaches will be reminded of spectator suspensions by a member of the Coaching Staff and asked to help enforce this with the spectator. 

B. Altercations and Physical Violence – Any player or adult involved in an altercation (verbal or physical) or the use of threat or physical force upon another, before, during, or after a game or other team or AYSO event can be asked to leave the premises immediately. They will be suspended from attendance and participation in any AYSO activity (this includes all team practices and games) until their discipline may be decided by the Commissioner.

C. A player or coach receiving a second send-off (red card) in a season may be subject to additional discipline. A player or coach receiving a violent conduct or serious foul play send-off (red card) may be subject to significant further discipline, including suspensions for multiple games, or permanent removal. Send-offs of Core 16U-19U, Spring Select, or EXTRA players or coaches will be governed by those programs' rules. However, Region 820 reserves the right to impose additional suspensions for these send-offs. 

D. Any team playing an ineligible player shall forfeit all games in which the player participated. Additionally, the Coach may be subject to further discipline.

The following chart provides guidance and appropriate sanctions for violation of this policy. Due process review must be conducted in accordance with existing AYSO guidelines and policies before issuing any sanctions in accordance with this policy, including the actions described in the chart below. In addition to the use of the material detailing the expected behavior, all non-player program participants should be made aware of the potential consequences for their actions. 



Description– Non-Player Behavior

Action by Region, Area, Section


Minor offenses include but are not limited to:

• Persistent dissent

• Failing to adhere to the positive coaching philosophy

• Failing to adhere to the AYSO philosophies

• A non-player committing a minor offense should be placed on probation for the remainder of the season (Fall, Winter, Spring or Summer) up to one calendar year.

• A second minor offense while on probation may result in suspension for a period determined by the appropriate Executive Member. The CVPA will notify the National Risk Management Coordinator (NRMC) of the suspension.

• A third offense while on probation or suspension may result in barring the person from attending all AYSO events for a period defined by the appropriate Executive Member.


Significant offenses include but are not limited to:

• Use of profane, offensive, insulting or abusive language or gestures

• Any situation during a game for which play is stopped to deal with misconduct by a nonplayer.

• Persistent minor offenses

• A non-player committing a significant offense may be suspended for a period determined by the appropriate level of Executive Member, for duration from a single game to one calendar year. All suspensions are reported to the NRMC by the CVPA.

• A second offense while under suspension, the non-player may be barred from attending AYSO events for a period defined by the appropriate Executive Member.


Major offenses include but are not limited to:

• Any situation during a game where a non-player is asked to leave the game by a referee, coach, board member, or other AYSO Official

• Persistent significant offenses

• A non-player committing a major offense may be suspended for a period determined by the appropriate level of Executive Member or barred from attending any AYSO event depending upon personal history. All major offenses are reported to the NRMC by the CVPA.

• A second offense while under a suspension, the non-player may be barred from attending AYSO events for a period of time determined by the appropriate Executive Member.


Extreme offenses include but are not limited to:

• Any situation resulting in a game abandoned or terminated by a referee, board member, or other AYSO Official due to non-player misconduct.

• A non-player committing an extreme offense may be barred from any AYSO event for a period of time determined by the appropriate Executive Member.

Regional Board Positions

Voting Positions: 

Regional Commissioner 

Assistant Regional Commissioner 

Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate (CVPA) 


Regional Registrar 

Safety Director 


Regional Referee Administrator 

Regional Coach Administrator 

  1. Regional Commissioner and Regional Board Member Composition

1. Upon creation of the Region by the NBOD, the RC shall appoint the initial Regional Board to serve until the first scheduled Regional Board meeting, at which time nominations for board positions will take place, subject to appointment by the RC. 

2. The Regional Board shall, at a minimum, consist of the RC, the Regional Treasurer, Regional Risk Manager/Safety Director, Regional Coach Administrator, Regional Referee Administrator, Regional Registrar and Regional Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate, all of whom are voting members. With the approval of the Regional Board, one person may serve in more than one position with the exception of the RC who cannot also serve as Regional Treasurer. In any case, where a Regional Board Member serves in more than one voting position, there is only one vote per person, not one vote per position. 

3. The RC, in consultation with the Regional Board, may create such other voting or non-voting Board Members or other staff positions, as deemed desirable. Board Members who are deemed to be active and have attended a majority of the meetings for a minimum of one (1) year are eligible to be voting Board Members. The duties and responsibilities of these other positions shall be approved by the RC. Board Members who have not participated in Board Meetings for three (3) consecutive months will be considered inactive and removed from the Regional Board. 

4. All members of the Regional Board understand that they owe a duty of loyalty to AYSO and by accepting appointment to the Regional Board agree to be bound by AYSO's Governing Documents. 

5. All voting Regional Board Members must have reached the age of majority (adults), as defined by the State in which they reside, whereas youth volunteers may serve as non-voting Regional Board Members. 

6. Regional Board Members serve a one year term, or until the next annual meeting of the Regional Board. 

7. Any Regional Board Member, other than the RC, may be suspended, limited in activities or removed, in accordance with the Dispute Resolution procedures approved by the NBOD.

B. Duties and Responsibilities of Mandatory Regional Board Positions 

A brief overview of the duties and responsibilities of the seven mandatory Regional Board positions follows: 

1. Regional Commissioner (“RC”) 

a) The RC, with the support and assistance of the Regional Board, shall have the responsibility and authority to conduct the day-to-day business affairs of the Region; guide the development of its future; and assure its compliance with AYSO’s Governing Documents. 

b) The RC’s initial term of service shall be as appointed by the NBOD and the RC may serve multiple terms so long as he or she is nominated by the Regional Board and approved by the Area Director and/or Section Director and appointed by the NBOD. It is the responsibility of the RC to ensure that his/her term of appointment does not expire. If the term does expire, all eAYSO access rights previously granted to the RC will be revoked and the RC will no longer have the rights and privileges of an Executive Member including, but not limited to, the right to vote at an NAGM or in connection with the nomination of an Area Director. These limitations will remain in place until such time as the RC’s application for reappointment, if any, is approved by the NBOD. 

c) The RC, in concert with the Regional Treasurer, shall insure that all fees collected and monies disbursed are done so in a fiscally responsible manner. 

d) The RC, or his or her delegated Member of the Regional Board, shall preside at all Regional Board meetings. 

e) The RC shall maintain close liaison with the Area and Section Directors. 

f) The RC shall act in all ways to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest. 

g) The RC may be suspended by the Area Director or the Section Director and suspended or removed by the NBOD in accordance with the Bylaws. 

2. Regional Treasurer 

The AYSO volunteer position of Regional Treasurer shall have custody of all funds and securities, evidence of indebtedness and other valuable documents, and shall deposit funds and securities in the name and to the credit of the Region in a bank or depository. The Treasurer shall comply with AYSO’s Governing Documents, including but not be limited to the following obligations: the preparation and maintenance of the Region’s financial statements and their dissemination to the Region’s participants and the National Office, the timely payment of all National Player Registration Fees, the full participation of the Region in the National Accounting Program, including NAP Online, the AYSO Policy on the Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred by the Region’s Members, proper bank account maintenance and, AYSO’s Player Refund Policy. 

3. Regional Risk Manager/Safety Director 

The AYSO volunteer position of Regional Risk Manager/Safety Director shall be responsible for the overall aspects of the Region's safety including the safe condition of the Region's equipment, goals and fields and for ensuring that the Region's players, volunteers and parents are aware of AYSO's Soccer Accident Insurance (SAI), and AYSO's Incident Report Procedures. This position, together with the RC, is also responsible for implementing and monitoring AYSO's Severe Weather and Concussion Awareness Policies. 

4. Regional Coach Administrator (“RCA”) 

The AYSO volunteer position of RCA is responsible for implementing, monitoring and maintaining the AYSO National Coaching Program at all age levels within the Region, including program delivery, volunteer training and certification (including assisting the CVPA with Safe Haven), as well as staff development, communication and coordination. 

5. Regional Referee Administrator (“RRA”) 

The AYSO volunteer position of RRA is responsible for implementing, monitoring and maintaining the AYSO National Referee Program at all age levels within the Region, including the program delivery, volunteer training and certification (including assisting the CVPA with Safe Haven), as well as staff development, communication and coordination.

6. Regional Registrar 

The AYSO volunteer position of Regional Registrar is responsible for the planning and implementation of the annual registration of all players. The Regional Registrar shall comply with AYSO’s Governing Documents, including but not being limited to: the registration of all players prior to the commencement of the season and, as applicable, throughout the season, in accordance with the registration and application requirements and procedures of the Organization. 

7. Regional Child & Volunteer Protection Advocate (“CVPA”) 

The AYSO volunteer position of Regional CVPA is responsible for overseeing the Safe Haven Program within the Region. This includes working with the RC, RCA and RRA to provide Safe Haven training and certification of all coaches, referees and other volunteers in the Region. The CVPA is also responsible for the screening and registration of all regional volunteers prior to the commencement of the season and, as applicable throughout the season, in accordance with the registration and application requirements and procedures of the Organization. Finally, the CVPA, together with the RC, is also responsible for the implementation and monitoring of AYSO's Code of Conduct Policy against Harassment, Abuse, or Violence.

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AYSO Region 820 - Menifee

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Sun City, California 92586

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