Discount Card Sale - Until October 31st
We are starting our Discount Card Fundraiser! This fundraiser will run from start of season to October 31st.
Each card sells for $10. The discounts on the card will be valid through August 2024! We are asking for your support by requesting that each player sell 5 cards minimum. We ask that players not sell door to door without an adult for safety purposes. Players will typically have the most success selling to relatives or well
known neighbors and friends. Parents can also help by selling to co-workers! All monies need to be turned in to the team’s coach or to the referee table by Tuesday, October 31st. In order to qualify for the prizes that are listed below, all money must be turned in no later. Players will use the presale sheet to sell the cards and
collect the money. Once money is turned in, players will receive the cards to distribute to those who purchased them. There is no waiting!
Thank you so much for your time and support with our Discount Card fundraiser. Funds collected will be used to enhance the AYSO program including purchasing new sporting equipment and player uniforms and providing training for coaches, referees, and volunteers. For questions contact
[email protected].
Directions for Selling
• The money from all Discount Cards sold must be turned in by Oct 31st so that your child can meet the prize deadline. Cards will only be issued when money is turned in.
Prizes and Incentives
• Win a TABLET! For every 5 cards sold, your name will be placed into a drawing. A winner will be chosen and will win a tablet. If you sell 10, you'll get two entries. If you sell 20 your name will be entered 4 times, etc!
• Each team that meats their team goal of selling on average 5 cards per player will win a pizza party!
• The Team Parent & the Coach of the top selling team (Best average) will each get a $25 gift card!!
• New Soccer Ball!!! Each player wo sells 25 cards will receive a new soccer Ball!
Thank you in advance for all your hard work and support for helping us improve the American Youth Soccer Organization for your child!