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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Range Strikers - Region 1056 - Gogebic/Iron County

Why Volunteer?

Volunteers Make AYSO Possible 

How Does AYSO Do It?

Did you know that nearly 200 children participate in the Range Strikers AYSO program each year? Providing a positive and organized environment for all these players requires many volunteers each doing their part. Every year we have many open positions - for coaches, assistant coaches, referees, coach coordinators, board members, field maintenance, etc. If you want to contribute even just a little bit of your time, we need you! There is nothing so fulfilling as watching children learn and grow. Your own kids will remember your involvement for years to come. Your help WILL make a difference! 

But I don't know anything about soccer!

You don't have to be a soccer expert; most people just starting with AYSO knew very little about the game. All you need is a positive attitude. In many of the positions you will never touch a soccer ball. 

What about training?

Region 1056 will provide the training you need to succeed in your position. All the tools and classes are free! The only cost that you pay out of pocket is directly reimbursed ($25 background fee)

What if I hate being outside? 

Even if you hate being outside and don't have a clue about soccer, we can still use your help in running the organization and making AYSO a positive experience for all our youngsters! We have over 75 administrative positions. 

Remember.... AYSO is a 100% Volunteer-Run Organization

We can't make it work without you! 

There is something for everyone! Join the fun and show your children how to be a part of a successful volunteer program. Many volunteers are needed to uphold the spirit of AYSO and to make this all-volunteer league possible. Take a minute to read through the position descriptions to decide how you'd like to help out. 

You can be a front-line team volunteer, a the "behind the scenes" division volunteer positions, or you can become one of the Board of Directors and Staff who keep things running and worry about details from National AYSO to local politicians. Everyone is a volunteer. 

National Partners

Contact Us

Range Strikers

E5560 Airport Rd, PO Box 243
Ironwood, Michigan 49938

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 906-364-9762
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