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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Experience Northeast Bakersfield Soccer


Soccer Conduct

Parents, spectators, coaches, and referees have responsibilities and obligations to keep our all-volunteer soccer program a fun sport for all. With this in mind, please observe the following:

1. Cheer positively for the things you like and encourage your team. Have fun!

2. Never put down the other team or any of the players on either team.

3. Please leave the sideline coaching to the coach. Spectators frequently yell instructions to the players - these instructions often contradict those of the coach and only confuse the players.

4. Our referees, like all AYSO officials, are volunteers, not professionals. While their decisions might not always be agreeable to all participants and spectators, they are final. No useful purpose is served by shouting disagreement or derogatory remarks. Referees can caution players (showing a yellow card) or send them off (showing a red card) for misconduct. Referees can also caution and send off coaches, and even terminate the game. Deliberate fouls or abusive words or disrespect by the players, coaches or spectators can lead to these actions.

5. Every year we have many new referees and coaches, including youth volunteers. Each is volunteering to do a difficult job, and mistakes inevitably occur. Heckling the referees or coaches is completely unwarranted. Serious problems involving coaches or referees should be brought to the attention of the Regional Commissioner after the game.

6. For the safety of all, coaches and spectators must stand at least one yard from the sideline. No one is allowed behind the goal. Coaches and referees are asked to enforce this condition.

7. No smoking, vaping, alcoholic beverages, or pets are allowed at games or practices.

8. Thank you to CalSouth for allowing us to use the fields. It is our responsibility to encourage everyone to keep the fields clean and free from litter. If you see anyone misusing the facilities (climbing fences, kicking balls into fences, throwing litter on the field, etc.) please bring the matter to the attention of a coach, referee, or AYSO official.


To All Parents, Coaches, Ref's, and everyone in between as a SAFETY PRECAUTION we must urge everyone to sit, stand, and cheer from the sidelines. As a safety precaution DO NOT sit, stand, or cheer from behind the goals on any field. Coaches and Ref's will do their best to clear the area, however games will be delayed until the area is clear. Remember we want a Safe and Enjoyable environment for the Kids.


Parents, make sure your player brings a ball, drink(s), & shin guards.
Have your player start drinking fluids the day before, mainly water. Children should be drinking a in a 4 to 1 ratio. Meaning 4 waters to 1 sports drink in order to properly stay hydrated.
Parent, we are still looking for volunteers:

Assistant Coaches- 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U
Team Parents- all divisions
Referee(s)- all divisions

PLEASE remember, this is a volunteer based program. No one gets paid in AYSO! Without the help of the community, parents and sponsors, we would have no AYSO in Bakersfield! You can ask a board member on how to volunteer. We need a little more help. We might only need you for a day! What do you say!?


Information and Introduction to the 2024 Fall Season

Registration Fees & Dates

Registration will begin on April 1st, 2024 at 11:59pm
Last day to register for FALL season will be closed on July 1st, 2024 at 11:59pm 

Late Registration and Waiting Listed?

Every effort will be made to accommodate every child to be placed on a team. A waiting list may be developed on a last come basis. Once teams are formed, the waiting list player will be disbursed on a team as coaches become available and as other players back out of playing.

Refund Policy

The National Fee is non-refundable. 
If you request a refund from June 1st-August 1st, you will receive 50% of the registration.
NO REFUNDS after August 1st will be issued.
If you refund was approved, the refund will be issued to you between Jan 2nd-May 31st, 2019. 

The refund form will be sent to you after you request it from [email protected]
All refund requests MUST BE submitted in writing and accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope, then mailed to:
Refund Request, AYSO Region 181,   
PO BOX 6575, Bakersfield, CA    93386-6575.
(Absolutely NO refund requests will be honored by email.)

What is the Region 181 Board doing?

Before and after the final registration the Board members are working hard at getting things ready for the upcoming soccer season. Immediately following the last registration date, the Board begins the process of balancing teams and finding the last few coaches. When the rosters and coaches are matched up, the coaches get notified and uniforms are then ordered. Use for updates.

What does my registration money fee include and not include?

Each registered player will receive a uniform that consists of a jersey, shorts, and a pair of socks. This also includes a basic picture package with a team photo, supplemental insurance, some field fees, and a fun experience. You will need to supply: a age-appropriate sized soccer ball, proper fitting shin guards, soccer cleats or tennis shoes and a water bottle. NO baseball or football cleats will be permitted at games or practices. (A child can participate in practice without his/her shin guards but MUST NOT engage with any another player.)

What size ball do I need for my child?

All soccer balls are stamped with a size on them: 
Size 3 will be used for all players that ages are Under 4, 5U, 6U, & 8U.
Size 4 will be used for ages 10U & 12U.
Size 5 will be used for ages 14U and above.

How can I Coach my child’s team?

We are always in need of Coaches! In fact, we normally need two per team, 1 Head Coach and 1 Assistant Coach. So we want to Thank You in advance for stepping up! You can start by going to which will lead you to the “Register Now” tab  and you can then fill out the online “volunteer form.” Once the “volunteer form” is done you will be emailed an ID # and then you can do all the mandatory training. The online training is through AYSOU (AYSO University) which will consist of the “Safe Haven” and “Concussion” training courses. You will also need to take the appropriate age “field training” course that you will be coaching. This will need to be done each year when you move up a divisions as a coach volunteer. You can reach out to your division coordinator or the Regional Coach Administrator for more info: [email protected] or reached at 661-472-4564. Benefits from you choosing to Coach:  You get to choose the time & place that is most convenient for you to practice. 

When will I get a call from my child’s Coach?

Normally, Coaches should expect to receive their team roster in the last two weeks of July. Teams may begin practice on or after August 1st but NOT before. Team meetings can be held as soon as coaches receive their rosters. The Coaches will call or text the parents of players as soon as they are ready and have organized their time. Parents, please check the
account holder's phone number and email address for accuracy. The team manager and or Coach will give you all the information you will need in regards to practice times and location. Each Coach gets to set his/her own practice days, times and location in the northeast area, as they see fit.

It’s after August 1st and my child has NOT been called. What do I do?

Please do NOT panic. Not all coaches/ teams will begin practices at the same time. IF you still have NOT received a call by August 15th, please EMAIL [email protected]  and type a brief message stating: your name, your phone number, your child’s name, their DOB, and their gender.

 How long are the games?

Games for 6U are 30 minutes (15 minute halves). 4 vs 4
Games for 8U are 40 minutes (20 minute halves). 4 vs 4
Games for 10U are 50 minutes (25 minute halves). 7 vs 7
Games for 12U are 60 minutes (30 minute halves). 9 vs 9
Games for 14U are 70 minutes (35 minute halves). 11 vs 11
Games for 16U-19U are 90 minutes (45 minute halves). 11 vs 11
            *16U-19U usually will have the season split between KCSP & Liberty Park. Most 16U & 19U games will be played during the week typically on Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday. Region 181 does NOT run this program.
Age 6U through 14U will be played on Saturdays at the Kern County Soccer Park by Hart Park.
             **14U May Require some travel to other regions in Kern County.
Parking at KCSP is $6 per vehicle. 

How often are Practices and Games?

Practices are usually 1-2 times per week, with games on Saturdays. (4U players will play on Friday evenings, location TBA and subject to change). Games for 5U through **14U will be played on Saturdays at the Kern County Soccer Park by Hart Park. Parking is $6 per vehicle. 
16U-19U usually will have the season split between KCSP & Liberty Park.  
**14U May Require some travel to other regions in  Kern County.

What is the EPIC Program?

The EPIC (Everyone Plays In our Community) Program is a structured soccer experience for kids and adults whose physical or mental disabilities make it difficult to successfully participate on a mainstream team. Please contact us for more information.

Please Remember…..

AYSO is a parent/ family member based volunteer organization established to provide a positive experience for our children. It is imperative that everyone understands that the AYSO is run solely on volunteers.  In order for a team to move on to post season play (for ages 10U thru 19U) all teams are required to earn a certain amount of volunteer points. Learn the rules, attend the games, know what is expected of you, but above all, be tolerant of the referees, youth referees and the children’s coaches.

Important Information

Email:     [email protected]           or         [email protected]       or        [email protected]


Our Website:

National Website:

Volunteer website:

Coach Online Training Website:           AYSO Training on AYSO University

Referee Online Training Website:        AYSO Training on AYSO University


National Partners

Platinum Sponsors

Contact Us


 P.O. Box 6575
Bakersfield, California 93386

Email Us: [email protected]
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