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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Experience Northeast Bakersfield Soccer


Hi 2024 Fall Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Refs & Volunteers,


Welcome to the 2024 Fall Soccer season. Your board members are diligently working on the upcoming season. We really need  Coaches and other volunteers. I just want to “Thank You” for stepping up and applaud you for taking on the task of coaching and ensuring that the kids have a fun, safe, and enriched season. If this email reached you in error……… your spouse or the account holder has volunteered you for a coach role, lol…..


  1. Register as a volunteer ASAP (if you haven’t done so)
  2. Take the  Online SAFE HAVEN Course through AYSOU
  3. Take the Online CONCUSSION Course through AYSOU
  4. Take the Online Sudden Cardiac Arrest Course through AYSOU
  5. Attend August ? Coach’s Meeting
  6. Attend August Super Camp Training for Age Appropriate Training (sign up through AYSOU)





Regional Referee Training



Uniforms & Schedules are on their WAY!

Date & Time TBD

All Coaches will get uniforms for each player, one game ball, practice cones, bag, and a schedule. 
DO NOT SEND YOUR TEAM/PARENTS to pick up uniforms from the board.
We ask that you SEND only one Team Representative.


You need to have the following in order to pick up the uniforms:
List of Names, emails, and phone numbers, child's name
Head Coach,
Asst. Coach,
Team Manager,
One or Two Referees (one to 12 games or two to do 7 games each minimum)
plus ALL MUST have completed: 
1) "Volunteer Form" online,
2) "Safe Haven" online
3) "Concussion" online
4) "Sudden Cardiac Arrest" online under AYSOU Safe Haven tab.
See AYSO Volunteer Form below (printable)

volunteer list 2023.pdf



1) Go to and "Register Now" as a Volunteer.
2) Register through AYSO University (AYSOU training). 
3) Do the online training for "Safe Haven."
4) Do the online training for "Concussion."
5) Register and Attend the Coach's training for the appropriate age.
6) Complete the Background check
7) Get Fingerprinting done- We will have them at the park for one weekend.
The next few classes for Coaches will be: TBA

For questions regarding Coaching please contact: David DeLaTorre 661-472-4564

For questions regarding the next Coaching sessions, please contact me.

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 P.O. Box 6575
Bakersfield, California 93386

Email Us: [email protected]
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