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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

East Providence - American Youth Soccer Organization (Region 715)

Kids Zone

About Kids Zone ®

In AYSO, we want all players, coaches, families and volunteers to have fun. That’s where Kids Zone comes in. Kids Zone is a program that encourages fans on the sidelines, and anyone else near the play, to use positive language, show sportsmanship in their attitude and behavior, and create a great experience for every player. It’s a reminder that the soccer fields are a kid’s zone – a friendly, happy, wholesome place for children to play.

Regions that participate in the Kids Zone program typically place buttons and posters near the fields as helpful reminders that no matter how intense the game can be, kids need cheerful support from the sidelines. Then there’s the Kids Zone Pledge – parents and spectators are asked to sign the pledge and agree to the following guidelines:

  1. Kids are No. 1.
  2. Fun, not winning is everything.
  3. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
  4. No yelling in anger.
  5. Respect the volunteer referees.
  6. No swearing or abusive behavior.
  7. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
  8. No weapons.
  9. Leave no trash behind.
  10. Set a proper example of sportsmanship.
When it comes down to it, Kids Zone is about supporting every child on the field - even those on the opposing team. It means supporting the players whether they win or lose. It means honoring the game – not the outcome of the game. Remember, respect starts with you!

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Kids Zone ®

As a parent, you play a special role in contributing to the needs and development of youngsters.

Through your encouragement and good example, you can help all the boys and girls learn good sportsmanship and self-discipline. In AYSO, young people learn to work together, to sacrifice for the good of the team, to enjoy winning and deal appropriately with defeat - all while becoming physically fit and healthy. Best of all, they have fun.

Support Your Child 
Supporting your child by giving encouragement and showing interest in their team is very important.

Help your child work toward skill improvement and good sportsmanship in every game. Teach your child that hard work and an honest effort are often more important than victory - that way your child will always be a winner despite the outcome of the game!

Always Be Positive 
Parents serve as role models for their children. Be aware of this fact and work to be a positive role model. Applaud good plays by your child's team as well as good plays by the opposing team.

Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from youth sports.

Remember: Your Child Wants To Have Fun 
Remember that your child is the one playing soccer, not you. It's very important to let children establish their own goals - to play the game for themselves. Take care not to impose your own standards and goals on them.

Don't put too heavy a burden on your child to win games. Surveys reveal that 72% of children would rather play for a losing team than ride the bench for a winning team.

Children play for the fun of playing.

Reinforce Positive Behavior 
Positive reinforcement is the best way to help your child achieve their goals and overcome their natural fear of failure. Nobody likes to make mistakes. If your child does make one, remember it's all part of learning, so encourage your child's efforts and point out the good things your child accomplished.

Don't Be A Sideline Coach Or Referee 
AYSO coaches and referees are usually parents just like you. They volunteer their time to help make your child's soccer experience a positive one. They need your support, too.

That means refrain from coaching or refereeing from the sidelines. In a volunteer organization like AYSO there's always an opportunity to take your interest in coaching or refereeing to the next level and become one yourself!

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The History of Kids Zone ®

Kids Zone was the "brainchild" of then Region 234 Commissioner Steve Hamann in 2000. Steve sensed during his field "walkarounds" that the environment was changing. There was more tension, more shouting (definitely more attitude) and less fun than the Region's parents and volunteers had come to expect. 

A man of action, Steve came up with a plan that he believed would remind parents that their behavior at games is crucial to setting a good example. His plan included three-inch Kids Zone buttons distributed to parents and coaches and field signs to remind visitors of appropriate conduct. In Region 234 it quickly became obvious to parents that it was up to them to ensure good sideline behavior or suffer the consequences. 

Steve approached staff members at the AYSO National Office to help him get his plan under way. The National Board of Directors (NBOD) and National Office staff members provided partial funding and support to implement the plan and that, as we say, was the beginning. The plan was for Region 234 to pilot the program that fall and then make the project ready for national implementation the following year. Steve and Region 234 did an exemplary job and provided the NBOD and National Office staff with reports, ideas and help to launch the new program. 

Since its inception, we have added a Kids Zone Parent Pledge and other assorted materials and paraphernalia. Currently the Kids Zone program is being used in nearly 50 percent of our AYSO Regions. Kids Zone does help in controlling negative sideline behavior, but it is not a magic potion, it takes continual reinforcement and commitment to the ideals of good sportsmanship and the AYSO philosophies

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 715 (East Providence, RI)

AYSO - Region 715, PO Box 15132
Riverside, Rhode Island 02915

Email Us: [email protected]
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