American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Weston Adult Soccer League (WAS)

COVID - 19 Rules

                                                                                                       COVID -19

 We have some strict rules and guidelines that are designed for everyone's health and safety that are in place to follow by AYSO members.  These come directly from Broward County and the City of Weston.  Please respect each and every one of them.  These are designed to minimize the risk of transmission of COVID-19.  

Other than the players and the referees while they are playing, everyone must wear a facial covering at all times when you are in the park, unless you are maintaining a consistent 6 foot distance from others who are not in your immediate family.  Since this might be difficult to keep at all times because there are other people, you are strongly encouraged to wear facial covering/mask at all times while in the park. 

2.           No one should come to the park and participate in anything or attend as a spectator if you have COVID-19 symptoms or have a temperature of 100.4 F or higher.  Frankly, this is good common sense for any other communicable diseases, like flu and colds also. We are designing a messaging option for you to report any fevers or other health reasons for not participating.  

3.           Other than the players while playing actual games and during training, there will be social distance of at least 6 feet for everyone.  That means that any pre-game meetings, all post-game discussions and all other activities will take place with every player at least 6 feet apart from each other. 

4.           Goals and post games will not have high fives or handshakes. 

5.           No socializing, BBQ s,  before or after games.

6.           Captains will maintain a list of all participants who attend each and every practice and game to facilitate the potential need for contact tracing.  Further, if there is a positive test result reported, the CDC plan for testing and quarantining as needed will be implemented.

7.           During games, players must maintain social distance.  No sharing the tent with other players. Families and only the same family may congregate under a tent. 

8.           Players must have their own water bottles.  NO sharing food or drinks.  No team coolers allowed.   We know things like this are difficult, but, again, we are complying with rules set by others which we must follow.  FYI, all water fountains at the park are closed.

9.           Teams MUST pick up all trash from the fields upon completion of practices or games. No eating on benches, which includes sunflower seeds and gum.

10.        Every player must sign a special COVID-19 only release prior to participate in any game.

11.        Additional requirements might be established before we resume activities

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Contact Us

Weston Adult Soccer League (WAS) NAASA FL-0002

741 Heron Rd. 
 Florida 33326

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 954-448-2267
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