Each AYSO Region is led by an All-Volunteer Region Board who help with strategy and implementation of creating a great soccer program for our children. We have four required board positions, but the board can include others to help with the process. If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering for any of these important positions, or any other way you feel you can help the region, please step forward and speak with our Regional Commissioner today!
Here are our Current Board Members:
Regional Commissioner* Nelson Ducos
CVPA* Omar Campuzano
Registrar* Szandra Meszaros
Treasurer* Irma Jimenez
Coach Administrator Noe Jimenez
Referee Administrator Luis Rivera
Marketing/Social Media Sanjuanita Campuzano
Regional Support Jamie Rivera, Mervin Saavedra
*Position is one of the required 4 positions of the Board.