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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Mt Diablo Soccer Association AYSO Region 2/C/223

Coaching with Mt. Diablo Soccer Association

"One of the greatest delights of parenthood is seeing the world through your child's eyes. Discover the magic through soccer!"

Becoming a Coach
Coaches are the heart of Mt. Diablo Soccer because as a coach you have the most contact with the kids during the season. Mt. Diablo Soccer appreciates your time, and will provide you with the training, advice, and whatever assistance you need to make your coaching experience a positive one. Coaching children is a very rewarding experience. And coaching your own child's team can be one of the most rewarding experiences of all! Coaches are pivotal to having children get the AYSO experience. If we don't have enough coaches, registration is scaled back and kids who want to play in AYSO are turned away.

Do you have little or no experience with soccer? No problem! AYSO will teach you, based on the age level you are coaching. Unique age-appropriate coach training is one of AYSO's specialties. If you plan to be at your child's soccer practices and games, you'll also have time to be your child's coach.
Reasons to coach

  • It's FUN.
  • It's a great break from work.
  • It makes you feel good.
  • It's a great way to put something back into the community.
  • Without coaches, our children don't play!

The rewards come in the form of watching the kids have fun at a game or practice, watching each player improve their soccer skills.  There is also a great sense of accomplishment when you reach the end of a season and look back and see how far each player has developed.

The AYSO Coaching Program is the only youth soccer program to be accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Coaching Education. We will be with you every step of the way to help with training, practices and any resources you may need. Check out the Coach Resources below for more info. 

Coach Duties & Requirements

A safe, fun experience is our main priority for all children in AYSO. To coach with MDSA, there are a number of steps to complete to help us ensure a positive adventure for our players. If you have any questions, contact our Coach Administration Team.


As with all AYSO Volunteers, becoming a coach involves 3 easy steps:
  1. Registration
  2. Training
  3. Certification

Step 1 - Register as a Volunteer with AYSO

  • When logged in to your account at, go to the Account section and select Volunteer from the menu
  • Select Find Volunteer Roles > Select Division/Program > Find Available Positions
  • Click Sign Up for all applicable roles, then Continue
  • Select the applicable family members from your family account
  • Complete the Volunteer Registration form for the current Membership Year (this must be submitted annually)
  • Submit the form using E-Signature
  • Complete Volunteer Background Check Consent Form
  • If any questions arise regarding your Background Check, you will be contacted by our CVPA.

Step 2 - Complete Mandatory Safe Haven & Concussion Training Online

  • Sign in to AYSOU using your MDSoccer account login.
  • Under My Courses, complete AYSO's Safe Haven course online (must be completed after 2013). It is a short course that outlines the important elements around protecting our children and volunteers.
  • Under My Courses, complete CDC: Concussion Course online.

Step 3 - Complete the applicable age-appropriate official AYSO Coach Certification for the upcoming season

  • 5U/6U Coaches: the 6U Coaching Course can be completed online at You can request a Coupon Code to access the online course from our Coach Admin Team.
  • 7U/8U Coaches: the 8U Coaching Course can be completed online at You can request a Coupon Code to access the online course from our Coach Admin Team.
  • 10U Coaches: the 10U Certification is comprised of an Online Course and Field Session. Both sections are compulsary. The 10U Online Coaching Course can be completed online at You can request a Coupon Code to access the online course from our Coach Admin Team. Upcoming Field Sessions can be found here and you can register for the session under Live Courses at
  • 12U-19U Coaches - no-charge classroom training sessions are also offered locally (click here for details on upcoming sessions) which you can sign up for using AYSOU. Select the applicable age certification under Live Sessions.
  • Not sure if you have taken the courses previously?  You can view all your certifications under your account at MDSoccer.

Step 4: Gather Team Paperwork

  • Collect printed Player Registration Forms from parents for all players on your roster. They are now e-signed online and do not need parents' signatures. They can be accessed from the My Account section > Participants > View/Print Form.
  • Download the Zero Tolerance Form. This form needs to be signed by each coach and parent on your team. It is your agreement to respect the referees and not dissent or question their calls, regardless if you agree with them or not.  Referees are volunteers too and without them we cannot play the game safely.
  • Both of these forms for all players need to be with you at every practice and game (we will do spot checks of these forms at practices and games).
  • Team Volunteer Form:  Enter your volunteers' names alongside your team number in the spreadsheet for your age group to register your volunteer points totals. 7U/8U: click here; 10U-14U: click here.
  • How to get Uniforms?  Once you have obtained your Volunteer Points (32 for 7U/8U and 40 for 10U – 19U) and filled out the Team Volunteer Form, send an e-mail to your DC (Division Coordinator).  You will then be put in a queue for your uniforms.
  • Attend pre-season and mid-season coach meetings.
  • Attend pre-season coach training offered at no cost by the region.
  • Complete Safe Haven Training prior to working with players at AYSOU.  (This is a one-time, mandatory obligation.)
  • Complete Concussion Training prior to working with players at AYSOU.  (This is a one-time, mandatory obligation required by California state law.)
  • Hold pre-season meeting with families. (Introductions, roster and schedule distribution. Discuss expectations.)
  • Solicit volunteers, especially assistant coach, team referee, and team representative.
  • Conduct pre-season and mid-season practices.
  • Complete player evaluations.  (U8-U14 divisions only.)
  • Ensure the kids all have fun!

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Contact Us

Mt. Diablo Soccer Association

PO Box 21111 
Concord, California 94521

Email Us: [email protected]
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