Sep, 2020
Welcome to our modified 2020 soccer season!
A few notes and reminders:
All players and parents/spectators MUST complete our online Covid screening prior to coming to the field. You do NOT need to print this out. It will be emailed to the league directly. No one is allowed on the field without this screening completed prior to each practice: https://forms.gle/VuGEJL1ajNanezXC8
Only 1 parent/guardian may accompany each player
Adults must wear a mask at all times
Players must wear masks except when on the field
All players must wear shin guards and cleats
Please bring water. There is no water available at the field.
We are not distributing uniforms. If your player has one fom a previous season, she should wear it
Please plan to arrive to the field 10 minutes prior to practice so everyone can get checked in and we can start on time.
All players and spectators must leave immediately following practice to avoid crowding as we transition to the next age group
NO DOGS allowed at the field
Practice times are as follows:
8U - 9:00am
10U - 10:30am
12U - 12:00pm
6U - 1:30pm
We look forward to seeing everyone Saturday!