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Sep, 2012

Fireballs Put On Their Best Performance of the Year!

There was a message at practice this week. It was actually just two words: "Defense" and "Passing." On Monday and Thursday the girls worked their feet off working on those two areas.

At first we focused on attacking on defense and shifting to cover, and it definitely paid off.  There was some timidness to our defense in prior games, but not today. There wasn't one girl who didn't go after that ball when another player was coming toward them. Someone was always attacking when someone dared enter our area. Great job, girls, and a special shout out to "Turtle", Tiffany, DeDe, Julia, Sophie and Bre who have grown to become our defensive specialists.

On Thursday the girls worked on their passing skills, especially on offense. It's safe to say they've learned their lesson. These girls passed on almost every offensive run, or at least tried to get the ball to another teammate before the other team intercepted it. We had a lot more shots on goal, and even more chances for shots on goal than the first two weeks combined. I couldn't make out which girl made our goal, and I forgot to ask later, but it was either Julia or Tiffany. Congratulations, girl! 

A special shout out goes to Tiffany, Kayla, Julia, Jordan, Bella, DeDe and "Little" Sophie for doing everything asked of them and putting in an awesome offensive performance. One player gets an even more special shout out, Taylor, who never seemed to tire and gave 110% running up and down the field today. She certainly did her best to score a goal for that special family member and set the standard for "hustle" for next week's game!

Last but not least, our goalie, Jazmin, had another great showing. She had her work cut out for her again, stopping most of the balls that came her way, including a couple of diving saves. She may be the best goalie in the U-10 Girl's league!

I'm going to end on some sad news. Coach Ron will be in Ohio all this week. However, he'll be watching Saturday's game via Skype and will be with us on the sidelines, or at least a streaming video of his head. Hopefully, coach Grace will make an appearance or two this week to help out in his absence. Good luck, coach! We'll "see" you on Saturday!

Now even though the score didn't reflect it, you girls won today. Both coach and I are very proud of you. It was your best performance of the year. If you keep improving like this the "scoring wins" will be coming soon. See you all on Monday!

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